"TreeDì - 林地 - Tree Diversity Interactions: The role of tree-tree interactions in local neighbourhoods in Chinese subtropical forests" is an International Research Training Group funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS).
Biodiversity-Ecosystem-Functioning (BEF) research in forests has become a vibrant field of research in the last decade. The aim of TreeDì - 林地 (lín dì, forest land) is to understand how tree-tree interactions in local neighbourhoods of varying diversity translate into the observed positive tree species richness effects on key ecosystem functions at the community scale. Tree-tree interactions range from above- and belowground competition to resource use complementarity and facilitation. In-depth knowledge of each interaction type and interdisciplinary teamwork are essential to understand the underlying processes. All research projects are carried out on the BEF-China platform in subtropical China - the largest forest BEF experiment worldwide.
By bringing together experts and doctoral researchers from leading research institutions located in Germany and China, TreeDì creates a stimulating network of excellence. TreeDì features an international qualification program involving an intensive Chinese-German cultural exchange during a 6-month research visit in the partners' countries, a joint PhD advisory committee (PAC) composed of Chinese and German experts and unique offers to meet, study and discuss with figureheads in biodiversity research.
Scientific key words
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning (BEF), tree diversity interactions, functional diversity, complementarity, herbivory, leaf pathogens, root exudate metabolome, rhizosphere microbiome, mycorrhiza, soil microorganisms, modelling generalised diversity interactions
Cooperation partners
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (koordinierende Hochschule), Universität Leipzig, German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Preferred language
Current number of doctoral candidates
9 doctoral researchers on the German side, 9 doctoral researchers on the Chinese side
How can I become a doctoral candidate? What is the method of selection?
TreeDì doctoral researchers will be recruited in an international two-day recruitment symposium. On the first day candidates will be invited to present the results of their MSc thesis and their ideas for research in TreeDì. On the second day candidates will be interviewed in parallel sessions for 45 minutes. Selection of candidates will be made jointly by principal investigators from Germany and China.
Are there fixed dates to apply?
Recruitment symposia will be organized in 2018, 2021 and in case of successful evaluation of TreeDì in 2024
Are there possibilities to be funded in this programme?
Yes, all doctoral researchers on the German side are funded by the DFG.
Interesting for graduates of the following subjects:
Ecology, environmental science or a related discipline
Dr. rer. nat
Dr. Stefan Trogisch
Scientific Coordinator of TreeDì (GRK 2324)
Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
Institute of Biology/Geobotany and Botanical Garden
Am Kirchtor 1
06108 Halle (Saale)
Phone: 0345 55 26198
E-Mail: stefan.trogisch@botanik.uni-halle.de
Internet: www.treedi.deExterner Link