Illustration zum Programm der Career Days

Programm der Career Days

Überblick über alle Workshops, Vorträge und Karrieregespräche
Illustration zum Programm der Career Days
Illustration: Melissa Fiebig

Auf dieser Seite finden Sie alle Informationen zum Programm und zur Anmeldung für die Career Days. Die Career Days finden vom 12. bis zum 14. November als Online-Veranstaltung statt. Es gibt drei verschiedene Veranstaltungsformate: Kurzworkshops, Karrieregespräche und Informationsvorträge. Am Donnerstag Abend wird es eine Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema „KI in Bewerbungsverfahren und Arbeitswelt“ im Auditorium in Präsenz geben. 

Für die Teilnahme an den Impulsworkshops ist eine Anmeldung erforderlich. Da es nur eine begrenzte Anzahl an Plätzen gibt, bitten wir darum, sich für maximal zwei Impulsworkshops anzumelden. Für die Karrieregespräche und die Informationsvorträge ist ebenfalls eine Anmeldung notwendig - die Plätze sind in diesen Formaten jedoch nicht begrenzt. Eine Anmeldung ist ab 14. Oktober über das QualifizierungsportalExterner Link der Graduierten-Akademie möglich. Weitere Informationen zur Anmeldung finden Sie hier.


Programm der Career Days 2023

Grafik: Graduierten-Akademie

Dienstag, 12. November

  • 9:00 - 12:00 Uhr: Networking for your Next Career Step (Workshop)

    Research on recruitment trends shows that in Germany, a significant portion of jobs (31%) are filled through personal contacts, while popular internet job boards account for only 15%. This highlights how crucial a strong network is in the job search!

    This workshop will help you tap into this potential. You will learn what networking is, why it matters, and how you can leverage it to advance your career. You’ll assess your own network and networking skills, while exploring best practices. Additionally, we’ll cover how to effectively use online platforms like LinkedIn for professional networking.

    Trainer: Dr. Iris Köhler (The Scientist Coach)

    Language: English

    Zur AnmeldungExterner Link

  • 9:00 - 12:00 Uhr: Überzeugen im Vorstellungsgespräch – Impulse und Tipps (Workshop)

    Wenn Sie die Einladung zu einem Vorstellungsgespräch erhalten, dann kommen Sie Ihrem neuen Job einen ganzen Schritt näher. Nun haben Sie die Chance, Ihr Gegenüber von Ihrem Profil zu überzeugen. In diesem Impulsworkshop zeigen wir Ihnen, was Sie im Gespräch erwartet und wie Sie sich gut darauf vorbereiten können. Sie erfahren, wie Sie Ihre Erfahrungen und Stärken gut verpacken und wie Sie souverän auch kritische Situationen im Vorstellungsgespräch meistern können.

    Referentin: Evelyn Hochheim 

    Sprache: Deutsch

    Zur AnmeldungExterner Link

  • 13:00 - 14:00 Uhr: Balancing Family and Career (Career Talk)

    Starting a family while pursuing your professional goals can be challenging. For this talk we invited three alumni who are successfully balancing family life and a career in industry, science management or academia. They will share their experiences, major challenges and how to overcome them.


    • Prof. Dr. Dennis Eversberg (Professor für Soziologie, Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main)
    • Dr. Juliane Brandt-Slowik (Manager Business Development & Sales, Schott)
    • Dr. Dania Rose-Sperling (Wissenschaftliche Koordinatorin, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena)

    Sprache: Deutsch

    Zur AnmeldungExterner Link

  • 14:00 - 16:00 Uhr: Your CV - The Key to Unlock Opportunities (Vortrag)

    First impressions matter. For a potential employer t this first impression is your CV. As recruiters with a combined experience of over 10 years in high-tech recruiting, we will show you what to focus on regarding content and structure of your CV, as well as the differences between a resume for a career in research or industry. You will also learn how to present and prepare your expertise and experiences in a concise way to convince employers of your potential. In a subsequent Q&A, we will answer your individual questions.

    Speaker: Adrian Fuchs / Oliver Voigt (TECHNOLOGY RECRUITING EXPERTS GmbH)

    Language: Englisch

    Zur AnmeldungExterner Link

  • 14:00 - 16:00 Uhr: Informationsveranstaltung zur HAW-Professur (Vortrag)

    Sie möchten Ihre akademische Karriere vorantreiben und an einer Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (HAW) einen wesentlichen Beitrag zu Lehre und Forschung leisten? Dann könnte eine HAW-Professur der richtige Karriereschritt für Sie sein.

    In unserer Informationsveranstaltung geben wir Ihnen einen Einblick in das Berufsbild einer HAW-Professur. Sie erfahren, welche Anforderungen und Qualifikationen für diese Position erforderlich sind und wie ein Berufungsverfahren abläuft. Darüber hinaus erhalten Sie einen Überblick über die vielfältigen Aufgaben einer HAW-Professur, die von der Lehre über die Betreuung der Studierenden bis hin zur eigenständigen Forschung reichen. Im Anschluss gibt es die Möglichkeit Fragen direkt an einen Professor der HAW Hof zu stellen.

    Referentin: Jette Petzold (Hochschule Hof)

    Sprache: Deutsch

    Zur AnmeldungExterner Link

Mittwoch, 13. November

  • 9:00 - 12:00 Uhr: Skills of Tomorrow: How an Interdisciplinary Mindset May Help You Advance Your Career (Workshop)

    The ability to work and thrive in interdisciplinary contexts counts among the most important skills of tomorrow, both in terms of the general evolution of the labour market and in terms of researchers’ and scientists’ individual careers. In this workshop, you will learn about effective communication in interdisciplinary settings, and you will deepen your understanding of how an interdisciplinary mindset enhances your options on the labour market.

    The workshop is suitable for participants from all disciplines.

    Trainer: Dr Matthias Zach (Karriereberatung für Akademiker*innen)

    Language: English

    Zur AnmeldungExterner Link

  • 9:00 - 12:00 Uhr: Gehalt richtig bestimmen und verhandeln (Workshop)

    Im Workshop erhalten Sie einen Überblick über typische Einstiegsgehälter und gehaltsbeeinflussende Faktoren. Mit einer Kalkulationshilfe üben wir, wie man für eine Stelle das passende Gehalt bestimmen kann und wie man durch Recherche unternehmensspezifische Anpassungen vornimmt. Anschließend werden wir das richtige Vorgehen in der Gehaltsverhandlung besprechen, häufige Fehler und welche Alternativen zum Gehalt verhandelt werden können. 

    Referentin: Heidi Störr (Push Your Career - Bewerbungsberatung)

    Language: English

    Zur AnmeldungExterner Link

  • 13:00 - 14:00 Uhr: From Academia to Industry (Career Talk)

    Are you thinking about leaving academia after your PhD or postdoc? You are not alone. The majority of PhD candidates will not stay in academia for the rest of their career. In this talk three alumni who successfully transitioned from academia to a career in industry or society will talk about their experiences. They will share valuable tips about job search, career development and working outside of academia.


    • Lukas Köps (Expert Data Analysis Battery, PowerCo SE)
    • Marina Pekmezovic (Biopharma Strategy Consultant, Scitaris)
    • Rudrakant Sollapur (

    Language: English

    Zur AnmeldungExterner Link

  • 14:00 - 16:00 Uhr: The Job Market in Jena: Career Perspectives for Doctoral Candidates (Vortrag)

    Jena and its surroundings combine high quality of living with a large variety of exciting career opportunities offered by international companies like Schott, Zeiss and JenOptic as well numerous start-ups and smaller companies. This talk explores the opportunities available to anyone who considers to stay in Jena after completing their PhD or PostDoc at the Friedrich Schiller University. In particular, the situation of international researchers will be addressed. The talk will tackle the following questions: What are your options regarding financing and Residence Act (for non-EU-citizens)? What are the employment opportunities in Jena? How does the employer landscape in Jena look like and which sectors could be relevant for you? Which tools can you use for your job search in Jena and who can support you on the way to employment?

    Speaker: Dr. Alexander Schwarzkopf (Graduate Academy)/ Cornelia Meyerrose (Welcome Center Jena)

    Language: English

    Zur AnmeldungExterner Link

  • 14:00 - 16:00 Uhr: Academic Careers in Germany: Positions, Career Paths, and Strategies (Vortrag)

    Do you want to pursue an academic career after your PhD? Do you want to know about career opportunities and long-term positions in the German academic system?

    In this talk, you will learn about the different possibilities for long-term positions in academia. Since the main option in Germany is a professorship, we will talk about routes to get there (i.e. research and teaching positions, junior research group leadership, Junior professorship and Tenure Track positions, and also habilitation or equivalent). You will get information on the requirements for a professorship, the selection process and advice on how to improve your career chances in academia to find your individual career strategy.

    Speaker: Michael Wutzler (Graduate Academy)

    Sprache: Deutsch

    Zur AnmeldungExterner Link

Donnerstag, 14. November

  • 9:00 - 12:00 Uhr: You've Got More Than You Know: Unlock Your Transferable Skills! (Workshop)

    Knowing your own skills, knowledge, and values boosts your self-confidence and is crucial for many aspects of your job search and application. It enables you to identify relevant job opportunities more easily, write stronger cover letters and resumes, and present yourself more convincingly in interviews. In this workshop, we’ll explore:

    • What are competencies and why is it important to know them?
    • Your individual life profile: How can you derive personal values and competencies from your own biography?
    • Identifying and articulating your competencies: How do you find the right words to talk about your skills?
    • Strategies for further developing your competencies: building on your strengths and acquiring new ones.

    We’ll focus on your unique situation, personal experiences, and strengths. Through interactive exercises, you'll create your individual competency profile. We’ll work together in small groups and individual reflection so that by the end of the day, you can confidently say, "I know what I can do!"

    Trainer: Dr. Annika Bartsch

    Language: English

    Zur AnmeldungExterner Link

  • 9:00 - 12:00 Uhr: Leadership Essentials – What does it Take to be a Young Leader? (Workshop)

    Often, young researchers have to take on leadership roles early on in their careers. In this workshop, you will learn about an inspiring approach to leadership which engages you and your team members. At the same time, it addresses current management issues.

    Workshop topics:

    • Leadership fundamentals: what is expected of an effective leader?
    • Tools and insights that help you to become a role model
    • How do I enter an existing team as a new leader?
    • What can I do to be accepted and appreciated by the other team members?
    • Health and Success: How to create a sustainable work climate

    Trainer: Wolfgang Leybold (Leybold Strategy Consultants)

    Language: English

    Zur AnmeldungExterner Link

  • 13:00 - 14:00 Uhr: Karrierewege in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft (Career Talk)

    Are you thinking about leaving academia after your PhD or postdoc? You are not alone. The majority of PhD students will not stay in academia for the rest of their career. In this talk three alumni who successfully transitioned from academia to a career in industry or society will talk about their experiences. They will share valuable tips about job search, career development and working outside of academia.


    • Maja Kühne (Regulatory Affairs Coordinator, Carl Zeiss Meditec AG)
    • Dr. Franz Hack (Associate Director GMP Management, BioNTech SE)
    • Tba

    Language: English

    Zur AnmeldungExterner Link

  • 14:00 - 16:00 Uhr: Successfully Acquiring Third-Party Funding - How to Write a Good Research Proposal (Vortrag)

    This talk is aimed at advanced doctoral candidates and postdocs. Participants will first receive an overview of the research funding landscape in Germany, as well as target group-specific programmes. Then, specific examples will be used to explain the basic structures of a third-party funding application. There will also be plenty of opportunities to answer your questions.

    Speaker: Dr. Madeleine Holzschuh (Servicezentrum Forschung und Transfer)

    Language: English

    Zur AnmeldungExterner Link

  • 14:00 - 16:00 Uhr: Career Opportunities in the Photonics Industry in Thuringia (Vortrag)

    Photonics - the technology of light - offers a wide range of career opportunities, especially in the innovative region of Thuringia. We will show you the exciting prospects this industry has to offer. Thuringia, known for its strong research and development landscape, is home to more than 180 companies and institutes in the field of photonics. From laser production to optical communications and biophotonic applications, the fields of application are numerous. We will give you an insight into current trends and career opportunities, and how you can start your career in one of the most exciting and fastest growing fields of technology.

    Speaker: Tba

    Language: English

    Zur AnmeldungExterner Link

  • 18:00 - 20:00 Uhr: Networing Event: Get in Touch with Alumni Working in Industry and Society

    When you are looking for a job outside of academia a strong network is invaluable. During this in person event you can make new connections, that will help you to reach your professional goals. Four Alumni working in various fields in industry and society will talk about their career path. During a series of interactive discussions, you will have the opportunity to personally connect with them as well as share ideas with your peers. Afterwards you can continue networking while enjoying some drinks and finger food.  


    • Dr. Jana Kampe 
    • Dr. Alexander Jügler 
    • Dr. Sebastian Schlegel 
    • Dr. Sindy Frick

    Host: Yvonne Siewert

    Language: English

    Place: Auditorium of the Graduate Academy (Johannisstr 13)

    Zur Anmeldung


  • Ein Roboter sortiert Dokumente

    Am Abend des 15. November findet im Auditorium des Hauses "Zur Rosen" eine Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema "KI in Bewerbungsverfahren und in der Arbeitswelt" statt

Hinweise zur Anmeldung

  • Frau nimmt an Online-Workshop teil
    Foto: AdobeStock/shellygraphy
    Impulsworkshops Die Impulsworkshops finden parallel am Vormittag von 9.00 bis 12.00 Uhr online statt. Da es nur eine begrenzte Anzahl an Plätzen gibt, bitten wir darum, sich für maximal zwei Impulsworkshops anzumelden. Wir versuchen eine Teilnahme an mindestens einem der von Ihnen gewünschten Workshops zu ermöglichen. Für die Teilnahme benötigen Sie eine Kamera und ein Mikrophon.
  • Podiumsgespräch
    Foto: Jens Meyer (Universität Jena)
    Karrieregespräche mit Alumni Die Karrieregespräche finden in der Mittagszeit jeweils von 13.00 bis 14.00 Uhr online statt. Eine Anmeldung ist für die Teilnahme notwendig. Nach der Anmeldung erhalten Sie die Zugangsdaten.
  • Mikrofon vor Menschen
    Foto: istockphoto
    Informationsvorträge Die Informationsvorträge finden parallel am Nachmittag von 14.00 bis 16.00 Uhr online statt. Eine Anmeldung ist für die Teilnahme notwendig. Nach der Anmeldung erhalten Sie die Zugangsdaten.



Johannisstr. 13
07743 Jena