UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Courses

Online Courses of the University of Pavia open to EC2U students

The University of Pavia, partner of the European Campus of City-Universities Alliance (EC2U) offers for the Academic Year 2023/2024, specific courses related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

SDGs are defined by the UN as a strategy "to achieve a better and more sustainable future” and EC2U students will now be able to include the courses in their study plan, compatibly with the regulations of their academic program.

The courses, which will be held online in English, will tackle the UN SDGs’ Agenda under different perspectives. The courses available for the academic year 2023-24 are:

  • Biological invasions as a consequence of globalisation: management challenges
  • From SDG goals to practical actions: an urban planning implementation investigation
  • Lifestyle, nutrition and health during lifespan
  • New perspectives in energy for a sustainable growth
  • Responsible consumption and production of food
  • Sustainability management
  • Sustainable and resilient reuse of existing building
  • Sustainable cities and communities

For each course, details are available at this page: http://osa.unipv.it/didattica/sdgs-courses/Externer Link

To apply for the courses fill out this formExterner Link.

Applications for courses are open until 29th September, with a waiting list for any takeovers and each course foresee 60 spots specifically reserved for EC2U students, to be assigned on a first come first served basis.

For courses to be held in the second semester, an additional winter term will possibly be scheduled.

For any question contact: martinaaltea.bellinzona@unipv.it