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Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Veranstaltungsbeschreibung Datenschutzhinweisepdf, 126 kb - Organisiert von
Jena Alliance of Graduate Schools "Life in Focus"
- Kontakt
Dr. Maria Langhammer
- Veranstaltungssprache
- Englisch
- Barrierefreier Zugang
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- Anmeldung erforderlich
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WelcomeBrief introduction to the Jena Alliance Graduate SchoolsDiesen Eintrag im ICS-Format exportieren
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Parallel sessions: Introduction to the research areasMicrobiology | Molecular medicine | Optics/ PhotonicsDiesen Eintrag im ICS-Format exportieren
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How to Apply for a PhD at Friedrich Schiller University JenaDr. Birte Seffert - German Scholars Organization e.V. (GSO)Diesen Eintrag im ICS-Format exportieren
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How to Finance Your PhD in JenaDr. Gunda Huskobla - Graduate AcademyDiesen Eintrag im ICS-Format exportieren
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Doing a PhD in Germany/Jena for InternationalsDr. Alexander Schwarzkopf - Graduate AcademyDiesen Eintrag im ICS-Format exportieren
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Ask me anything! - Q&A Sessions with Coordinators and PhDsDiesen Eintrag im ICS-Format exportieren
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Optional offer for Enthusiasts: IT/Photonics Workshop with an Extended Reality Twin Lab (XRTL)See abstract belowDiesen Eintrag im ICS-Format exportieren
Die folgenden Graduiertenschulen stellen auf der Jena Alliance Talent Fair ihre Einstiegs- und Karrierewege vor:
- Jena School for Microbial Communication (JSMC)Externer LinkExternal linkExterner Link
- Abbe School Of Photonics (ASP) en
- Max Planck School of Photonics (MPSP)Externer LinkExternal linkExterner Link
- Jena School of Molecular Medicine (JSMM)Externer LinkExternal linkExterner Link
IT/Photonics Workshop with an Extended Reality Twin Lab (XRTL)
In this interactive workshop we will together perform an experiment at a remotely controllable interferometric setup located in Jena. Supported by our tutors, participants will get a glimpse of the future of academic lab education, where students and tutors may be performing joint lab research work while being at different locations. The real-world experiment is accompagnied by a virtual twin, and both twin labs are fully synchronized in time and space. To participate in the workshop, you only need a standard web browser and stable internet connection. Prior knowledge in optics and photonics is an advantage, but not necessary. If you want to participate, please check the respective box during your registration. For more information, please visit www.asp.uni-jena.de/9108/xr-twinlab en.