Lehrveranstaltung in einem Hörsaal

What we do

Activities and Offers of the Office for Digital Transformation​
Lehrveranstaltung in einem Hörsaal
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

Digital activities and offers of the Office

Where is digital transformation happening at Friedrich Schiller University? On this page, you will find an overview of current activities and offers of the Office for Digital Transformation.

Support for students

Vernetzte Figiuren - Symbolbild für ein Netzwerk
Vernetzte Figiuren - Symbolbild für ein Netzwerk
Image: Designed by Freepik

Digital learning communities

A digital environment called Digital Learning Communities aims at providing students with the informal contact with their fellow students which is often lacking and also at supporting (professional) exchange and collaboration in small groups.

Learn more about the project de

Digital Pilots (Digitale Lotsen)

The role of the Digital Pilots was to support students directly at the faculties in self-directed and digital learning. As student assistants, they inform, advise, and train their fellow students on how to use digital tools and on how to study efficiently.

Learn more about the project

Digital Learning Kit

For the project Digital Learning Kit, interactive self-learning units are created on topics related to study organization, learning how to learn, time management and studying in the digital space. The aim is to support students in their learning and working processes and to develop their media skills.

more about the Digital Learning Kit

Studierende am Arbeitsplatz
Studierende am Arbeitsplatz
Image: linkedin sales navigator/unsplash

Study spaces with access to the internet

To enable students to transition smoothly between face-to-face and online offerings on campus, more than 3,000 study spaces with internet access have been made available in university facilities. This allows students to continue to participate in digital formats.

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Laptop Donation Campaign
Laptop Donation Campaign
Graphic: André Karliczek

Laptop donations

To enable students who do not have the necessary equipent to participate in digital teaching and learning formats, a laptop donation campaign was started at the beginning of the Corona pandemic. Over 200 donated laptops were safely stripped of old data by the University of Jena, refurbished, and given away on a semester-by-semester basis.

Find out more

Support for the teaching staff

Studierende am Laptop
Studierende am Laptop
Image: pixabay

E-Tutor ProgrammeExternal linkTo support the teaching staff in the design and implementation of digital teaching during the Corona pandemic, the E-Tutor Programme was created. Here, student assistants help instructors create digital teaching materials, provide technical support in the use of videoconferencing and recording systems, or assist with tool selection.

Image: pixabay

E-Learning Day deThe E-Learning Day of the University of Jena offers teachers, students and other interested parties a platform to inform themselves about different possibilities of digital teaching, to exchange experiences, to discuss new forms of design and development of digital teaching and to create visions for the future of teaching and learning with digital media.

eTeach Network ThuringiaExternal linkThe eTeach Network Thuringia is an association of the Thuringian higher education institutions for the cooperative further development of digitally enriched university teaching. The University of Jena participates in the network and its working groups and promotes cross-university projects. We can contribute our own experience and benefit from each other in the cooperation.

Teaching digital skills​

Image: Volker Schwartze

DaLiJe – Data Literacy Jena deThe aim of the DaLiJe project is to develop a concept for anchoring data literacy in the curriculum of all students at Friedrich Schiller University Jena. For this purpose, a study-accompanying certificate course with different competence levels is being established and teachers are supported in integrating data literacy topics into existing courses.

Logo Digital4Humanities
Logo Digital4Humanities
Graphic: Digital4Humanities

"Digital4Humanities"External linkThe Digital4Humanities project focuses on teaching digital research methods in humanities and social science subjects and learning scenarios. In the project, video tutorials are developed and used as part of digital learning units with lecturers throughout Germany and Europe.


Do you have any questions, suggestions, requests or are you looking for support from the Office Digital University? Contact us!External link