Image: PexelsThe ‘iKomPass’ certificate programme
Uncertainties sometimes arise when communicating with international colleagues and students: What is the right way for me to behave? Has my counterpart understood me correctly? How can we work together to achieve our goal?
With the certificate programme ‘iKomPass’, the intercultural competence passport for employees of the University of Jena, you will master challenges that may arise during international encounters in the future.
You will have the opportunity to share ideas with colleagues from other fields in workshops, reflect on experiences from your everyday work and develop strategies for intercultural action. You will also learn or expand your knowledge in a language relevant to your field of work. An optional stay abroad lets you apply your knowledge directly and return to your workplace with many new experiences.
Components of the certificate:
The full programme comprises three components: Intercultural competence (A), language competence (B) and international mobility (C).
You can choose whether you want to complete the basic level (components A and B) or the advanced level (components A, B and C). At the basic level, you simultaneously or consecutively take courses on ‘Intercultural Competence’ and ‘Language Competence’. Afterwards, you reflect on the implementation in your everyday work. Building on this, you can optionally complete a stay abroad. After your return, there will be a reflection meeting about the newly gained theoretical and practical experiences.
Überblick Bausteine und Ablauf iKomPass
Graphic: Sophia-Marie MeyerRegistration: First get the approval of your supervisor(s). You can then send an email to ikompass@uni-jena.de to register for participation.
Mitarbeitende in einem Workshop
Image: PixabaySelection of language course, workshop and destinations for the stay abroad
We will be happy to advise you on the individual combination of language courses and intercultural workshops in an initial information meeting. Simply make an appointment by email to ikompass@uni-jena.de or give us call.
You can find a first overview here:
Intercultural competence
At the moment we are planning an intercultural workshop for the summer semester 2024.
All dates of the intercultural training sessions for employees will also be available in the ‘General training programmeExternal link’ section of the University of Jena's qualification portal.
Language competence
The university's Language Centre offers a wide range of courses, including for employees. Choose either an English course or another language relevant to your professional life.
You are also welcome to find out more about the English courses offered by the Staff Development Section of the Division for Human Resources. These start regularly at the beginning of each semester and are also listed in the qualification portal.
Existing language certificates can also be recognized, but should be no older than two years at the time of your application.
International mobility
If you would like to complete the advanced level, i.e. the optional stay abroad, the International Office will be happy to advise you on the various offers: Just contact Jana Blumenstein at outgoing@uni-jena.de about half a year before your stay abroad. You can also find initial information under ‘Professional development in Europe’ and ‘Professional development worldwide’.
Receipt of the certificate
After successfully completing the components, send your written proof of participation in the courses you have completed to: ikompass@uni-jena.de.
Afterwards you will receive your certificate ‘iKomPass—intercultural competence for employees’ from the International Office of the University.
Who can participate in the ‘iKomPass’ programme?
All employees of the University of Jena can participate in the ‘iKomPass’ programme. The programme is aimed in particular at employees of the administration, but is also open to other interested individuals.
What are the advantages of participating in the ‘iKomPass’ programme?
The certificate programme combines measures such as language courses, workshops and stays abroad, which could previously only be taken individually, into one overall package. This means that you register only once and gain intercultural knowledge and experience abroad (stay abroad) with no or only a very small financial contribution (language course participation fee). And all this within the framework of your time working at the University of Jena.
Where can I get information about the next programme start?
Programmes can be started at any time. You flexibly put together your programme segments from workshops and language courses. Information on the next intercultural workshop is available on the qualification portal of the Division for Human Resources.
What (possibly also additional) costs arise, e.g. for stays abroad?
Any participation fees for attending external intercultural training and language courses are to be paid by the participants themselves. Participation in university-internal language courses only requires a personal contribution to be paid privately. For stays abroad, travel expenses and costs for the stay are covered.
How much time should I expect to invest?
You should allow the following amount of time for completing the individual components:
A Intercultural competence: 1 day workshop (approx. 6 hours) B Language course: approx. one semester (at least 15 hours) C Stay abroad: at least 5 days
How do I register?
- Find out more about the certificate programme on this website and in a personal advice session.
- Get the approval of your supervisor.
- Register. Simply send an email to: ikompass@uni-jena.de
Can I get credit for language courses or workshops I have already taken?
If you have already completed a language course, intercultural training or a stay abroad as part of your work at the University of Jena, you can have this credited. However, the proof should be no older than two years at the time of your application. For individual queries, please contact the persons listed below at any time. We will be glad to help you.