Head in front of a blackboard with symbols that are connected with doing a doctorate

PhD Day 2022

Welcome to PhD Day 2022! Here you can catch up on important subjects and offers for the PhD phase
Head in front of a blackboard with symbols that are connected with doing a doctorate
Image: istockphoto.com
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Irina Gaspar-Huthoff
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On Thursday, 20 January 2022, the PhD Day at Friedrich Schiller University Jena takes place as an online event. The day aims at providing those interested in a doctorate and doctoral candidates with an opportunity to catch up on important subjects and offers for the PhD phase.

Please note: Registration is not necessary. 


11:00 h to 15:00 h: Online talks via Zoom

15:00 h to 16:00 h: Online information fair via wonder.me

Here you can download the programme of Phd day as a pdfpdf, 437 kb · de.

Programme of the PhD Day

Graphic: Graduierten-Akademie

Online Talks 11-15h

  • 11-12h Promovieren oder nicht?

    Die Entscheidung für eine Promotion ist weitrechend: Sie bestimmt die Arbeitsinhalte und das Umfeld für die nächsten drei bis fünf Jahre, und sie beeinflusst die weiteren beruflichen Chancen. Der Vortrag gibt Impulse, damit Sie Ihre eigene Entscheidung so gut wie möglich treffen können: Was kann dafür, was kann dagegensprechen, eine Promotion zu beginnen? Und worauf sollten Sie achten, wenn Sie sich für eine Promotion entscheiden?

    Annika Bartsch - Graduierten-Akademie

    Language: German

  • 11-12h Scientific Publishing - E-Publishing and Open Access

    The lecture introduces the possibilities of electronic publishing at the FSU and also focuses on funding opportunities for doctoral students. An important point is also given the regulations of the mandatory publication as part of the doctorate at the FSU.

    Thomas Witzgall - ThuLB

    Language: English

  • 12-13h Finanzierung der Promotion

    Ich will promovieren! Doch wie finanziere ich das?" Im Kurzvortrag wird sowohl über Finanzierungsformen als auch über Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten bei der Entwicklung einer individuellen Finanzierungsstrategie informiert. In einem Überblick werden die verschiedenen Finanzierungsformen dargelegt. Diese lassen sich allgemein in die Anstellung als Mitarbeiter, das Promotionsstipendium und eine externe Beschäftigung differenzieren. Der Vortrag bietet eine erste Abwägung mit jeweiligen Vor- und Nachteilen der unterschiedlichen Finanzierungsarten. Darüber hinaus werden praktische Hinweise für die Suche nach geeigneten Fördermöglichkeiten gegeben.

    Dr. Hanna Kauhaus - Graduierten-Akademie

    Language: German

  • 12-13h Gute Lehre von Anfang an - Impuls aus der Hochschuldidaktik

    Kaum das Abschlusszeugnis in der Hand stehen viele junge Wissenschaftler_innen vor der Aufgabe, selbst Lehrveranstaltungen zu leiten. Die Meisten betreten damit didaktisches Neuland, denn schließlich sind Fragen der Planung und Konzeptionierung von Lehre nur in den seltensten Fällen Bestandteil des Studiums. Doch wann ist Lehre gut? Wie innovativ muss meine Lehre sein? Woran orientiere ich mich bei der Konzeption und Durchführung von Lehrveranstaltungen? Und wer unterstützt mich dabei, all die kleinen und großen Herausforderungen des Lehralltags zu meistern? Diese Fragen werden im Vortrag beantwortet.

    Franziska Teichmann - Servicestelle LehreLernen

    Language: German

  • 13-14h Looking after your mental health during the doctorate

    Doing a doctorate comes with a unique set of pressures that can have a considerable impact on your work-life balance and mental health. Dr. Hendrik Huthoff knows from personal experience that depression or anxiety can affect anybody at any time, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. For everybody who is mad enough to do a PhD but doesn’t want to let it drive them crazy!

    Dr. Hendrik Huthhoff - JSMC, FSU Jena

    Language: English

  • 13-14h Das Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz

    Sie haben einen befristeten Arbeitsvertrag und interessieren sich für Ihre Rechte und Möglichkeiten als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter? Sie wollen sich über die Neuerungen zu befristeten Arbeitsverhältnissen informieren? Dann sollten Sie die Regelungen des"Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz" kennen. In diesem wird die befristete Anstellung von wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern an Hochschulen reguliert. Im Vortrag werden Informationen allgemein über die Befristung zur Qualifizierung, die 12-Jahresregelung - was wird angerechnet - und die Drittmittelbefristung gegeben. Im Anschluss sind individuelle Fragen möglich.

    Anja Wahlmann - Dezernat 5, FSU Jena

    Language: German

  • 14-15h Wissenschaftliches Schreiben

    Ohne die Forschung in angemessener Weise kommunizieren zu können, ist Wissenschaft undenkbar. Deshalb stellt das wissenschaftliche Schreiben eine der grundlegenden Fertigkeiten für die Arbeit an der Universität dar. Gerade junge Akademiker_innen müssen sich darin schulen, müssen sich ein Wissen über Textsorten und Schreibtechniken aneignen, müssen Sprachgefühl, Reflexionsvermögen und Selbstkritik üben. Zudem sollten sie zu einem "gesunden" Umgang mit dem Schreiben finden, um sich vor physischer und psychischer Überlastung zu schützen. Der Vortrag zeigt, wie sie dabei vorgehen können und welche Möglichkeiten der Unterstützung es an der FSU gibt.

    Dr. Peter Braun - Schreibzentrum

    Language: German

  • 14-15h How to handle Research Data: From Theory to Practice

    The proper handling of data is an important prerequisite for reliable and reproducible results. Therefore, it is an essential part of good scientific practice. This includes issues such as data collection, documentation, organisation, analysis, storage, publication and re-use. The presentation gives early career scientists an overview of general concepts and requirements regarding the handling of data. In addition, available support services at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena for different issues are introduced.

    Dr. Volker Schwartze  - Kontaktstelle Forschungsdatenmanagement

  • 14-15h Promovieren mit Kind

    Promotion und Familiengründung - das ist keine Entweder-oder-Entscheidung. Gleichwohl stehen Promovierende mit Kindern im Alltag vor besonderen Problemen, da sie die Anforderungen der unterschiedlichen Lebensbereiche Familie und Wissenschaft unter einen Hut bringen müssen. Der Kurzvortrag liefert einen Überblick zu Ansprechpartnern und sozialrechtlichen Leistungen in Abhängigkeit der Finanzierungsart der Promotion.

    Dr. Gunda Huskobla - Graduierten-Akademie

    Language: German

Online Information Fair 15-16h

The Online Information Fair takes place on the wonder.me platform. 

  • 15-16 Uhr DR. FSU Doctoral Council

    DR. FSU are the doctoral council of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena.

    No matter whether scientific staff, scholarship holders or doctoral students in external structures - our goal is to be the voice and contact point for all doctoral students and to contribute to the improvement of the doctoral conditions.

    Representative: Elina Takola

    Language: English

  • 15-16 Uhr Health Management

    To support and increase health related knowledge among its employees, the Friedrich Schiller University Jena cooperates since 2016 with the AOK health insurance. With this, the University wants to give active support to all its employees for staying healthy, motivated and efficient.

    In the project "Uni Jena… rundum gesund" de (Uni Jena… entirely healthy) information and workshops are offered concerning topics like "Healthy working", "Healthy-driven leadership", "Healthy eating and exercise" as well as "Mental health and mindfullness". At the online information stand, you can receive information about the programme and other health related issues.

    Representative: Jana Kampe

    Language: German and English

  • 15-16 Uhr Graduate Academy

    The Graduate Academy offers information about the following topics:

    • First steps to the doctorate
    • Registration and admission as a doctoral candidate
    • Enrolment
    • Information on the funding of a doctorate
    • Information concerning the offers of the Graduate Academy e.g. the qualification programme or events

    Representatives: Jana Neumann, Angela Köhler-Saß and Matthias Jakob

    Language: German and English

  • 15-16 Uhr Family Office

    The Family Office (‘JUniFamilie’) is a project run by Friedrich Schiller University Jena in collaboration with the Student Services Organisation of Thuringia. The Family Office can support you in all matters that might arise as you try to balance your studies or career with your family commitments.

    Representative: Anja Dragowsky

    Language: German and English

  • 15-16 Uhr Research Data Management Helpdesk

    zedif: Competence Center Digital Research

    The Competence Center Digital Research is first point of contact at the interface between science and infrastructure for all questions relating to digitization in research at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. This includes support regarding research data management as well as the application of digital processes, software, and tools for specific scientific questions. We offer a broad range of services, from information material to training courses as well as individual support. If you want to learn more about zedif or need support with a specific problem regarding digital issues, please visit our virtual information stand.

    Representative: Bettina Färber and Yannic Bracke

    Language: English

  • 15-16 Uhr University Didactics Qualifications

    Do you have to teach during your doctorate? Are you looking for support for mastering all the small and bigger challenges which are connected to teaching? Do you want to further qualify and deepen your teaching skills? Then, the information stand of Servicestelle Lehre Lernen is the right place to go! We will be glad to answer all your questions!

    Representative: Franziska Teichmann

    Language: German and English

  • 15-16h Mental Health

    Friedrich Schiller University Jena has been offering a variety of prevention measures in order to support all employees and associated researchers in their self care and psychological wellbeing. The Studierendenwerk of the Thuringian State also provides consultation and support offers around your psychological health.

    As of 2021, Graduate Academy and the Jena Alliance Life in Focus have created an additional offer to help bridge the gap between prevention and treatment: Our MHFA first aiders are situated in different university institutions, and are open to assist all employees of the university independently of their working area, as well as all young researchers (doctoral candidates, postdocs).

    Representative: Dr. Hendrik Huthoff, JSMC, FSU Jena and Mental Health First Aider (MHFA)

    Language: English

  • 15-16 Uhr Services of the Thuringian University and State Library

    At this information stand, you will receive information about all topics of Thuringian state and university library, e.g. open access.External link

    Representative: Dr. Isabel Hoffmann

    Language: German and English

  • 15-16 Uhr Service Center Research and Transfer (SFT) - Funding

    Tips for early-stage postdoctoral funding

    For institutions as a whole as well as for individual researchers, acquiring third party funding is getting more and more important. The research funding officers of the Service Center Research and TransferExternal link support scientists during the whole application process for research funding. They will provide information on current programmes for early stage.

    Representatives: Dr. Anika Höppner and Dr. Madeleine Holzschuh

    Language: English

  • 15-16 Uhr Service Center Research and Transfer (SFT) - Start-ups and Patents

    The experts of the Service Center Research and Transfer (SFT) support the acquisition of third-party funds as well as the economic exploitation of the own research results, e.g. by licensing patents or starting a business. Additionally, intellectual property rights are becoming increasingly important for third party fundraising. A significant portion of the technical knowledge published worldwide is contained in patent literature and can have an inspiring effect on new research projects. If you have questions about inventions that were developed during your doctoral studies or you intent to start your own business with an idea from your doctoral period, you are welcome to attend the online consultation hours.

    Representatives: Dr. Oliver Pänke und Ralf Schindek

    Language: English

  • 15-16 Uhr Writing Center

    During this hour, the Writing Center de will aim to answer your questions about academic writing and the work process.

    Representative: Dr. Peter Braun

    Language: German and English