Call for Events: On The Green Track

EU campaign on biodiversity seeks young organizers


Ein Gebüschstreifen in einem grünen Feld
Ein Gebüschstreifen in einem grünen Feld
Image: Yulian Alexeyev

How can we protect our natural environment in the next decade? How does a future look like in which people can live in harmony with nature?

With the campaign #TheGreenTrack, the EU is calling on young people to submit event concepts that can be presented in the run-up to the next UN Biodiversity Conference (COP 15) between May and March 2022.




The events offered should be organized by young people for young people and can include, for example, the topics of nature/biodiversity, circular economy, pollution-free or lifestyle.

Proposals can be submitted until December 10, 2021.

More information about the #TheGreenTrack campaign and the application criteria can be found hereExternal link.