
For University Employees

EC2U is an intercultural network and skills.
Image: pexels - P. Danilyuk
  • Innenhof des Universitätshauptgebäudes
    Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)
    FECT - Foster. European. Competences and Talents Would you like to strengthen your intercultural competence and expand your language skills?
    EC2U’s national supporting project FECT offers certification programs for all university members. Discover the possibilities.
  • waiting at the station
    Image: yanalya - freepik
    Mobilities for Employeesde EC2U fosters cooperation at the level of university administration, and offers various opportunities to visit and engage with European colleagues.
  • Community of action
    Image: jcomp - Freepik
    EC2U Engagement StageExternal link Projects find people and people find projects. Find a project to engage in. Look for people from the communities and universities of the EC2U Alliance to participate in your citizen science or social project, post at the EC2U Engagement Stage.
  • diverse perspectives make great ideas
    Image: iStock
    EC2U Think Tanks Various stakeholders from the EC2U universities and cities come together with their diverse perspectives to build shared visions and create new solutions to the challenges the EC2U communities face.
  • EC2U in Salamanca
    Image: Universidad de Salamanca
    EC2U ForaExternal link University and city communities meet at a half-yearly public Forum at one of the 7 EC2U Universities to strengthen the multi-faceted cooperation of the alliance. A certain number of students are granted scholarships for each Forum.
  • Science Battle
    Image: Hanna Oksanen
    EC2U Science Battle Science & fun! Scientists from the EC2U Universities compete in an interdisciplinary battle of wits: who can best (and most entertainingly) answer questions of the citizens of the EC2U cities?
EC2U Logo
EC2U Logo
Graphic: EC2U

All offers and upcoming events across the entire EC2U Alliance can be found at ec2u.euExternal link.

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