Best Practices ‘Lecture’: Example Educational Science

Best practice example for the implementation of the ‘Principles of Good Digital Teaching’


Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences


Educational Science

Type of course


Title of the course

Learning, Development and Socialization: An Introduction

Number of participants


The lecture provides students with a basic orientation concerning psychological processes that need to be considered in educational processes throughout life, such as learning and knowledge acquisition, motivation, and social interactions in different educational fields of action.Students learn the concepts and hypotheses of basic psychological theories of learning, development and socialization (minimum standard), can apply these to examples (regular standard) and derive possibilities for action as well as reflect on their limits regarding the design of educational and upbringing contexts (maximum standard).The lecture is based on the flipped classroom model and consists of weekly online live sessions and self-study phases on Moodle before and after the lecture.

Self-learning phase before the online live sessions

The learning units were developed with the Moodle plug-in H5P (H5P Course Presentations) using existing lecture slides to structure the process of knowledge transfer. The learning units contained self-made learning videos as well as freely available learning videos from other sources. The videos were either newly created or newly researched for online-only teaching. In addition, each H5P learning unit contained newly created recap questions that allowed students to test their understanding of the material. At the end of each learning unit, there was a link to the set of questions for the lecture. There, students could ask questions about the course content anonymously, but for everyone to see. Simple questions were answered by the tutor, complex questions were marked for the lecturer to answer in the online live session.

Weekly online live sessions

In the weekly live session via Zoom, the students worked on practical tasks in small groups (breakout sessions). Results were recorded in Padlet and other formats. In addition, the lecturer answered the students' complex questions from the set of questions and other ad hoc questions.

 Self-learning phase after the online live sessions

In order to deepen and check their knowledge and to prepare for the exam, the students had the opportunity to consolidate the lecture content with further tasks in differentiation matrices and to check their acquired knowledge on Moodle. This provided them with a continuous opportunity to prepare for the exam. The tasks of the standard and maximum standard comprised transfers to simple examples up to complex pedagogical situations that pedagogues may be confronted with in their professional lives.