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Information on equality at university

Detailed information on the work of the Equal Opportunities Office and further resources.
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Image: javier barros / unsplash

Latest Information

Publication of the CEWS-University Ranking 2023

Publication of the CEWS-University Ranking by equality aspects 2023.External link

CEWS presents the eleventh edition of this well-established and long-standing tool for quality assurance of equality at universities. The ranking is based on data from the official higher education statistics from the year 2021. The aim of the ranking is to compare the performance of higher education institutions in gender equality continuously and nationwide with the help of quantitative indicators. The ranking thus complements other quality assurance tools such as competitions (e.g. female professors program), evaluations and certifications.

For the ranking, the CEWS developed a multidimensional indicator model that looks at different stages of academic qualification. The CEWS University Ranking takes into account the subject profile of the universities and uses the cascade model. The reference variables are, depending on the qualification level and type of university, the share of women in students and in doctorates. In this way, the comparability of technically or socially oriented universities is ensured. In addition to the university ranking, the publication includes a ranking of the federal states based on similar indicators.

The ranking is directed at those in higher education and politics who are interested in the quality and innovative potential of our universities. For this purpose, a comparative view of performance in the area of gender equality policy is indispensable in order to initiate and continue effective measures to further improve the situation of women in science and research.

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