Computer with video conference with six tiles against light blue background

Panel discussions "Fair environment"

Recordings of the online panel discussions "Fair environment" from the summer semester 2021
Computer with video conference with six tiles against light blue background
Image: Bilddatenbank Pixabay

In the summer semester of 2021, the Offices for Equal Opportunities and for Diversity organized two similar online discussions on fair environment at the University of Jena. The first one was held in German and the second one in English language.

The events were recorded and can be viewed here by members of the University of Jena:

Panel Discussion "Fair-Handeln" in April 2021 (German)

Fair-Handeln! Leitbild an der Universität Jena umsetzen – Digitale Bibliothek Thüringen ( link

Im Rahmen des Leitbildprozesses wird das Thema "Faires Miteinander" von verschiedenen Stellen der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena bearbeitet und konkretisiert. Neben der Entwicklung des gleichnamigen zentralen Webportals "fair.miteinander" bringt das Vizepräsidium für Wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs Gleichstellung eine Antidiskriminierungsrichtlinie auf den Weg, die sich an den Forderungen des Allgemeinen Gleichbehandlungsgesetzes (AGG) orientiert. Gleichstellungs- und Diversitätsvertretung der Universität sind in diesen Prozess ebenso eingebunden wie in die Arbeit des Personalrates an einer begleitenden Dienstvereinbarung.

Über die bisherigen Entwicklungen wurde mit den Akteur:innen am 29.04.2021 von 16:00–17:30 Uhr im Rahmen einer universitätsöffentlichen Podiumsdiskussion „Fair-Handeln! Leitbild an der Universität Jena umsetzen“ diskutiert. Alle Mitglieder der Universität waren zur Teilnahme herzlich eingeladen.

Die Diskussion fand in deutscher Sprache statt. Eine weitere Diskussionsrunde fand in englicher Sprache am 29.06.2021 statt.

Panel Discussion "Fair Environment" in June 2021 (English)

Fair Environment! Implementing the University of Jena’s mission statement – Digitale Bibliothek Thüringen ( link

All members of the university community need to be free to study, work and pursue their research here without fear of unfair treatment. That also means that there needs to be a clear procedure setting out how people can get unfair treatment stopped, if it does unfortunately happen.

So in addition to including the principle of equal and fair treatment in its recent mission statement, the university is also in the process of drafting concrete procedures. For technical reasons there are actually going to be two documents:

  • Prof. Cantner (Vice President for Young Researchers and Diversity Management) and his office have produced a draft anti-discrimination guideline.
  • The Staff Council is working on a parallel document which stresses the resolution of workplace conflicts and also reflects the strong protections German law provides for those who have an employment contract with the university. 

In the panel discussion, we informed the university community about these developments and discussed them with stakeholders and university representatives.

Following the German-language panel discussion „Fair-handeln!“ on April 29th, this discussion was held in English-language and furthermore put a greater focus on concerns of international students.