left to right:  Prof. A. Brenning, Prof. A. Klafki, Dr B. Hövelbrinks, Dr A. Pfeil, B. Hinrichs

LiP Awards 2021

left to right: Prof. A. Brenning, Prof. A. Klafki, Dr B. Hövelbrinks, Dr A. Pfeil, B. Hinrichs
Image: Jürgen Scheere (University of Jena)

Neben der Verleihung der Lehrpreise wurden im Jahr 2021 auch die einmalig ausgelobten LiP Awards (Lehre in Pandemiezeiten) feierlich verliehen.

The teachers who received the LiP Award for their course are representative of many other teachers in their faculty who, under pandemic conditions, have ad hoc and successfully converted teaching to a digital format or found other convincing solutions for the realisation of teaching. From the nominations submitted by students, teachers and faculty heads, the ALe expert committee selected the following courses for a LiP Award.

Faculty Course
Faculty of Theologie language course “Greek 1” - Dr Susanne Kochs
Faculty of Law examination revision course “Public Law” - assistant professor Dr Anika Klafki
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration a number of lectures - Prof. Armin Scholl
Faculty of Arts seminar “Diagnostic language tests in German as a second language” - Dr Britta Hövelbrinks
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences lecture “Learning, development and socialisation: an introduction” - Dr Julia Dietrich
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science lecture “Analysis 2” - Ben­jamin Hinrichs
Faculty of Physics and Astronomy lecture “Experi­men­tal Physics 2“ - Prof. Gerhard G. Paulus
Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Sciences a number of courses on geoinformatics - Prof. Alexander Brenning
Faculty of Biological Sciences biochemistry practical course for biochemists - Dr Maren Godmann and associate professor (PD) Dr Christian Kosan
Faculty of Medicine practical course “Rheumatology” - associate professor (PD) Dr Alexander Pfeil

Both Teaching Awards were presented  in a ceremony during this year’s DIES LEGENDI – Teaching Day (Day of Teaching) on 23 November 2021.

Go to press releases: Lehrpreis 2021 und LiP AwardsExternal link