Person working on notebook—search fields symbolizing questions

First-generation Phd

Pioneers in academia
Person working on notebook—search fields symbolizing questions
Image: HAKINMHAN, istock

The participation of children from non-academic backgrounds in education has improved on every level over the past years. This is the result of a study called ‘Vom Arbeiterkind zum Doktor. Der Hürdenlauf auf dem Bildungsweg der Erststudierenden’External link and published in 2021 by Stiftungsverband für die Wissenschaften e.V. and Mc Kinsey & Company. As promising as it may sound, this positive development doesn’t change the fact that social background continues to be a decisive factor in determining academic success.

The biggest hurdle continues to be the transition from secondary school to higher education. Once students have made it into higher education, success rates of children from non-academic and academic backgrounds tend to become much more equal. Two per cent of children from non-academic families complete their doctorate. For children from academic backgrounds, this figure is six per cent. In transitioning to a PhD, children from non-academic backgrounds are even ahead of their privileged peers (17 per cent, compared to 13 per cent for children from academic backgrounds).

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Available support

  • Individual doctoral counselling service

    Are you passionate about research and would like to become the first member of your family to complete a doctorate? The Graduate Academy offers counselling services for doctoral candidates. They will be happy to answer any questions you may have concerning your doctoral studies.

    Learn more
  • ‘Erste Generation Promotion e.V.’—A nationwide network

    ‘Erste Generation Promotion – EGP e. V.’ is a non-profit association and initiative of doctoral candidates and graduates of the University of Cologne.
    The initiative focuses on providing advisory and networking services open to Master's students and doctoral candidates from all over Germany and abroad.

    Learn moreExternal linkde
Welcome and Service Desk for Doctoral Candidates and Postdocs

House for Early Career Researchers ‘Zur Rosen’
Johannisstraße 13
07743 Jena

Telephone hours:
Monday, Wednesday:
10:00 – 12:00

Tuesday, Thursday:
10:00 – 12:00, 14:00 – 16:00