participating in international congress
Together with their Honours mentor Dr. Jennifer Bellingtier, Lena-Emilia Schenker and Jenny Jaquet presented their findings from two studies on ageism at the 2021 Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America. Due to the pandemic, the conference was not held in Phoenix, Arizona this year, but in an online format. "I wish I could have met the other researchers in person, but giving a presentation at midnight (due to the time difference) was also an interesting experience!" reported Lena-Emilia Schenker.
Logo GSA 2021
Image: https://www.gsa2021.org/ -
field research abroad
In March 2022, Antje Uhde travelled to Brazil as part of her Honours project to collect data on tree heights and water depths in flooded parts of the Amazon forest. This information serves as a reference to estimate the accuracy of satellite data. The trip was part of an interdisciplinary field excursion in the BONDS project.
"We spent two weeks on a ship, sleeping in hammocks and doing our work on board. In addition to collecting the data, I was also able to make important contacts. I got to know my study area and gained many exciting impressions!" (Antje Uhde)Antje Uhde
Image: privat -
organizing a workshop in Jena
Maximilian Huschke organized a workshop on the philology of philosophy in Jena. The workshop provided an opportunity to discuss the challenges of edition philology for philosophical textual work. Participants from various universities worked together on text-critical editions and historical material (facsimiles) and discussed the question of what constitutes an appropriate philological approach to philosophical texts.
Letter Kant to Beck
Image: http://purl.uni-rostock.de/rosdok/ppn77064363