
Information and funding programmes for refugees from Ukraine

Information and funding programmes
Image: Collage Mareike Rind

It is with deep dismay and concerns that we look at the injustices that are currently happening in Ukraine. We express our solidarity and compassion with those that suffer from this war and its consequences. The University of Jena and the city of JenaExternal link jointly coordinate aid efforts. 

We have initiated this website for researchers from Ukraine. Here you can find an overview of all contact persons who can help you find counsel and support and provide information on funding programmes.  


Graduate Academy refugees from Ukraine who are interested in starting a PhD-programme or who already are PhD-researchers
Welcome Point of the International Office for refugee researchers from Ukraine who already have a PhD-degree

Susanne Golz und Dr. Mareike Rind
07743 Jena

Scholarship Databases

Third-Party Funding portalExternal link
Are you looking for ways to fund your research activities? This website will provide you with information on offers from national and international funding bodies.

Funding programmes​ and support for for refugee researchers from Ukraine​