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EC2U Virtual Institute GLADE - Mobility funding

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Virtual Institute for Good Health and Well-being: GLADE

MOBILITY CALL - Research / Conferences / Workshops

Within the Virtual Institute for Good Health and Well-being (GLADE) of the EC2U Alliance, mobilities will be granted to researchers, teachers and students of the University of Jena.

GLADE is an open-access research, learning and interaction space and aims to develop distinctive approaches to education, research, innovation and transfer of services to the community in areas of Good Health and Well-being for all (3rd UN sustainable development goalExternal link).

The GLADE Virtual Institute is home to::

  • EC2U Glade Literacy LAB, which promotes itinerant conferences by EC2U specialists, summer schools and short video trainings in Good Health and Well-Being for All;
  • EC2U GLADE Transformative Research HUB, which initiates and supports studies, guidance for local authorities and policy papers on Good Health and Well-being;
  • EC2U GLADE Healthy Campus Services, which focuses on a brand new approach to health on campus for employees and students. 


  • Goals of the mobilities for research / conferences / workshops

    The main objective of GLADE is to develop collaborative contexts to promote health and well-being in the 7 EC2U universities and their cities.

  • Types of Mobility Research / Conferences / Workshops
    • Conferences at the EC2U partner universities within the framework of the Virtual Institute for Good Health and Well-Being (GLADE)
    • Participate in conferences of the EC2U Alliance in the framework of the Virtual Institute for Good Health and Well-Being (GLADE) (e.g. the EC2U half-day conferences if they take place in presence/hybrid, more information at https://ec2u.eu/participate-at-the-glade-half-day-conferences/External link )
    • Initiation of research groups/projects within the Virtual Institute for Good Health and Well-Being (GLADE): joint research projects, publications, presentations at conferences
    • Research visits regarding the topics of the Virtual Institute for Good Health and Well-Being (GLADE)
    • Implementation of activities at the EC2U partner universities in the context of peer counselling and/or Healthy Campus topics (see University Health Management de)
  • Eligibility - general

    Applicants must be employees or students at one of the EC2U universities. In this case, the University of Jena.

    They should be interested in one or more of the following topics:

    • Ageing (biological, socio-economic and psychological).
    • (Lifelong) well-being (psychological, social, ecological, physical)
    • Gender-specific well-being and autonomy
    • Social and environmental determinants of health
    • Health and organisations (health on campus)
    • Health system management and policy; healthy cities
    • Independence, autonomy and smart ageing
    • Mental health and cognitive issues
    • Inflammatory and chronic diseases (prevention, diagnosis, treatment and from different perspectives)
    • Viral diseases (Covid19, economic and societal consequences, health responses to Covid)
    • Ageing of the brain and mental health
    • Non-communicable diseases
    • Cancer (prevention, prognosis, treatment, social determinants) - Cellular and molecular basis of angiogenesis
    • Lifestyle (diet, exercise, nutrition, wearables) - Health promotion (psychological, social, environmental, physical)
    • Online peer counselling for students of all ages
    • Other mental and physical health and well-being topics
  • Eligibility - Staff
    • must hold an academic position at one of the seven EC2U universities;
    • Must be able to undertake teaching/research activities for the duration of the mobility project.
    • They must be able to publish research results and present them at conferences/workshops
    • Have a good knowledge of English or one of the other six languages of the EC2U universities.
  • Eligibility - students
    • must be enrolled at one of the seven EC2U universities
    • Must be involved in peer support (supporting peers as a volunteer, buddy, mentor, tutor).

Mobilities range from 2 to 10 days, depending on the status and purpose of the mobility and must take place between March 2022 and September 2023.

You can also use the mobilities to attend the GLADE Half-Day Conferences in present or hybrid form! The Half-Day Conferences are scheduled online until further notice, exceptions so far: the conference on 3/31 in Iasi and the conferences in Poitiers on 10/6-22 are hybrid.

Submission of proposals and deadlines

Applications must be submitted to the local university representative of the GLADE Virtual Institute. See contact information below.

Apply now and get involved! Application formdocx, 166 kb · de



Further Information/FAQ

  • Requirements and Obligations
    • Grantees must write an evaluation report within one month after the end of the grant according to the obligations outlined in the application form
    • Grantees commit to become members of the GLADE Virtual Institute.
    • If these mobilities lead to the publication of work, researchers should acknowledge EC2U support by adding the following sentence to their work: This work has been partially supported by the EC2U Alliance and its Erasmus+ Grant n° 101004065-EC2U.
  • Evaluation

    Applications will be evaluated against the following criteria:

    • Conformity with the objectives of the call
    • Intended collaboration with researchers from other EC2U universities.
    • Participation as a teacher in the new Master's programme LIFELINE or in the activities of the virtual institute GLADE
    • Publications

    Applications will be evaluated first by the individual EC2U universities and then by the GLADE Virtual Institute Board.

EC2U Coordination Office