Online portals of the URZ

This service is only available to employees, students and guests of the university.


The Computer Centre of the University of Jena offers various portals for its services (see Services from A to Z de) for applications and queries:

URZ Service Desk

You can reach the service portal of the computer centre at servicedesk.uni-jena.deExternal link. There you will find the options for general contact and help with the vast majority of the URZ services on offer. It is the main portal of the URZ and is constantly being expanded.

As a contact point, it covers your needs with the following exceptions:

The user portalExternal link offers options for managing your own university account.

Self-registration, password changes and an overview of personal data can be made and viewed here. You can also register to use Office 365 here.

After registration with your user ID, you will find the full ) proposals for the following topicshereExternal link:

  • (full) proposal - Facility|institution|(structural) unit
  • (full) proposal - facility|institution|(structural) unit of a MySQL database
  • (full) proposal - Facility|institution|(structural) unit
  • (full) proposal - Facility|institution|(structural) unit for additional cloud storage space
  • (full) proposal - Facility|institution|(structural) unit for additional storage space

You can also set up the administration of groups and group memberships here.


Click here for the URZ Service DeskExternal link

IT Service

Opening hours:
Mo.-Fr. von 7:30 - 21:30 Uhr