

Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

LMS Moodle

Moodle is a modular, adaptable teaching and learning platform that supports studying and teaching, as well as work in research projects, (university) chairs and other organisational units. The system is suitable for supplementing classroom teaching, for blended learning, for distance learning programmes, as a knowledge repository and as a communication and cooperation platform.

The MMZ currently manages three different Moodle instances, each for its own application purposes:


    Auf dieser Moodle-Instanz finden die regulären Lehrveranstaltungen der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena statt. Über eine Anbindung an das Vorlesungsverzeichnis Friedolin werden Veranstaltungsinformationen, Lehrenden und Teilnehmenden mit den Moodle-Kursräumen abgeglichen.

    https://moodle.uni-jena.deExternal link


    Diese Moodle-Instanz wird als Prüfungsserver bezeichnet und stellt den Lehrenden im Rahmen des Digitalen Prüfens entsprechende Prüfungsräume zur Verfügung. Der Funktionsumfang unterscheidet sich deutlich von der reinen Lehre-Moodle-Instanz.

    https://exam.uni-jena.deExternal link


    Diese Moodle-Instanz bietet Moodle-Kursräume für Veranstaltungen, Workshops etc. mit einem größeren Anteil an Gastteilnehmenden.

    https://kurs.uni-jena.deExternal link

Online examinations

You can conduct examinations digitally via the university's examination server. You are also welcome to use our PC pools for small examination cohorts and benefit from the advantages of digital examinations:

  • No decoding of illegible handwriting
  • Integration of multimedia files
  • Answers can (depending on the settings) be changed as often as required by the examinees before the final submission without difficulty
  • Automated evaluation of the results

Recording / live streaming of an event

You can have course|classes, workshops, conferences and similar events recorded by the Multimedia Centre; specially equipped lecture halls enable this to be done fully automatically, including publication in your Moodle course room. In addition to the recording, a live stream with chat option is also available.

Video conferencing

A Zoom campus licence is available to all university members without restriction to cover digital teaching. The maximum number of participants is limited to 300, but can be temporarily increased to 500 or 1000 in exceptional cases. Individual licences for the use of "Zoom Webinar" can also be made available. Please submit requests in this regard via the ticket systemExternal link.

Information on default settings, configurations and data protection aspects can be found in detail in the WIKIExternal link.
You can access the service via your URZ login at: or via the desktop application (via SSO access with the domain: "")

Rooms for video conferences

Contact person

  1. Aermes, Kathleen Moodle University Computer Center
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  2. Lehr, Berengar Moodle University Computer Center
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  3. Wuttig, Tom Moodle University Computer Center
  4. Scherf, Ramona Koordinierung Vorlesungsaufzeichnung University Computer Center
  5. Sehmsdorf, Christin Koordinierung Veranstaltungsaufzeichnung University Computer Center
  6. Tschiesche, Tino Livestreaming, Opencast University Computer Center
    employee photo
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  7. Köhler, Frank Videokonferenzen, Livestreaming, Opencast University Computer Center
  8. Wenck, Saskia Videokonferenzen University Computer Center