
EC2U Survey

The EC2U Alliance consults with the community. Join in the conversation!
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Whether you've heard of EC2U before or not, we appreciate your feedback!

Sehr geehrte Studierende, Lehrende, Forschende, Beschäftigte der Universität Jena,
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren der Stadt und der Stadtverwaltung Jenas,

Dear students, faculty and staff of the University of Jena,
Dear citizens and city administrators of Jena,

As the EC2U Alliance moves forward, our team wishes to better understand how the Alliance is perceived by all and gather insight on how we can actively optimize our actions to fit your needs. To do so, we are sending you a survey to collect your valuable feedback.

This survey has an exhaustive list of questions that covers almost all activities led by the Alliance and will take you about 15 minutes to complete. We kindly ask you to respond to all questions as this will be key in the future development of EC2U.

All responses are anonymous.

Our aim is to collect feedback from all seven universities of the Alliance. The survey is, therefore, in English. We invite you to use translation tools if needed and answer the questions in the language in which you feel most comfortable.

EC2U highly values the imput from our Community, and we thank you in advance for your time.

Access the survey here: link

The survey closes on 15.04.2022



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