Teaching Award symbol: a golden paper plane flies ahead of three white paper planes

Teaching Award 2022

Nominations for this year's teaching award can be submitted until 6 May
Teaching Award symbol: a golden paper plane flies ahead of three white paper planes
Image: adobe stock
  • Academy for Teaching Development
  • Teaching Award


The teaching award of Friedrich Schiller University Jena acknowledges special commitment to teaching and makes exemplary teaching concepts visible. Since 2018, the Academy for Teaching Development (ALe) is entrusted with this task. Every year, the members of the ALe- expert panel select the award winners from among the nominations received.

This year, the best course concept in general and a course in the thematic focus "Qualification of students for independent study and scientific work research’" will be awarded. Outstanding courses in these two categories can be nominated until 6 May 2022.

Please see here for more information on the call for nominations and the nomination procedure.