
Erasmus+ for guests from partner universities outside Europe


Do you come from outside the EU and want to participate in the Erasmus+ exchange programme in Jena? Your stay here may be part of a staff training or academic mobility.

Taking part in the training, you can exchange with other participants on teaching and research methods, or engage in work shadowing. Within the academic mobility, you are expected to teach eight hours per week, for example, in individual courses, workshops, courses within summer or winter schools as well as in tandem with other academic staff.

  • Before your arrival

    Please send us the following documents:

    Before your nomination

    • letter of invitation from a professor at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena
    • nomination from your home university

    If you would like to do an exchange at our university (e.g. teaching, further education), you need a supervisor at your target department. Once received, please submit your letter of invitation to your home university, too.

    Do not forget to determine the period of your stay together with your partner at our university. Last but not least, you should meet the application deadlines for staff mobility at your home university.

    After your nomination

    • Grant Agreement
    • Mobility Agreement

    You should find your accommodation on your own. While searching for one, you might use the following list


    For your stay at our university, you are eligible to the following funding rates within the Erasmus+ worldwide scheme:

    • Daily rates (tax-free)

    1 to 14 days: 160 EUR

    From the 14th day: 114 EUR

    Travel allowance (per country of the partner institution)

    • Ukraine: 275 EUR/round trip
    • Belarus: 275 EUR /round trip
    • Israel: 360 EUR/round trip
    • Russia: 360 EUR/round trip
    • Georgia: 360 EUR/round trip
    • Canada: 820 EUR/round trip
    • Moldova: 275 EUR/round trip
    • USA: 820 EUR/round trip
    • Argentina: 1500 EUR/round trip
    • Armenia: 360 EUR/round trip
    • Japan: 1500 EUR/round trip
    • South Africa:  1500 EUR / round trip

    You will receive the one-off lump sum as a cheque upon your arrival. You do not have to provide any travel documents, for example boarding passes.

  • After your arrival

    On the first day of your stay in Jena, please go to the Universitys Welcome Centre.

    In the Welcome Centre, you will receive the following documents:

    • Letter of Confirmation
    • cheque template for your Erasmus+ grant
  • Before your departure


    After your exchange, you must fill out an online survey via e-mail. Please note that you should take part in the survey within 30 days after your departure.


    Please submit your Letter of Confirmation to the International Office at your home university.


For further information on application, please contact the International Office:

Internationales Büro

Opening hours:
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 10:00 - 12:00 Uhr
Thursday 13:30 - 16:00 Uhr