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What working groups were there?

The working groups of the Zukunftswerkstatt are introduced
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Graphic: Liana Franke

Please note: The working group meetings took place in summer 2022. Some of the people listed are now working in other positions or are no longer at the university.

AG Research

Two researchers view a liquid in a vial
Two researchers view a liquid in a vial
Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)

How can the University of Jena contribute to shaping a sustainable future through scientific contributions? What measures are needed to strengthen the role of scientific findings and facts in social debates about sustainability? 

Already today, more than 30 research projects at five faculties of the University of Jena are related to social and ecological dimensions of the future topic of sustainability. On the one hand, the AG Research of the Zukunftswerkstatt is dedicated to the question of how research can be made more sustainable while preserving academic freedom, e.g. by using resources more efficiently. On the other hand, goals for strengthening sustainability research are being developed, for example measures for stronger interdisciplinary networking or innovative formats of science communication. 

  • Chair: Prof. Georg Pohnert de (Vice President for Research)
  • Moderation: Dr. Tobias Schwessinger
  • Coordination: Tabea Seeßelberg

AG Teaching

Döbereiner Lecture Hall of the University of Jena
Döbereiner Lecture Hall of the University of Jena
Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)

In addition to the research projects, there is already a wide range of courses that deal directly or indirectly with the topic of sustainability. In order to meet the global developments as an educational institution, it is the common goal to permanently provide high-quality teaching offers that deal with sustainability-related topics. This should promote interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary thinking and acting as well as give students a high degree of creative freedom.

AG Transfer

People at the start-up and innovation day fair
People at the start-up and innovation day fair
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

One of the tasks of the University of Jena is to pass on knowledge and technology. This includes exchanges with companies to strengthen the regional economy, but also the communication of scientific findings between the university, politics and civil society. Important players here are, for example, the Thuringian Institute for Sustainability and Climate Protection (ThINKExternal link) or the newly founded JenaVersumExternal link. In the future, targeted partnerships with actors from various fields such as business, administration, politics, culture, education or civil society that contribute to addressing societal sustainability problems will be promoted.

AG Operations

The University of Jena would like to make everyday operations fit for the future and enable university members to live together sustainably. To this end, long-term conditions must be created that ensure both responsible and resource-efficient technical operations. In order to achieve this, the Operations department will set itself climate-friendly and socially equitable goals in three sub-working groups in the areas of construction + building management, procurement, and infrastructure. Only in this way can operations minimize their impact on the environment and health, both locally and globally, and provide incentives for sustainable action in everyday university life.

  • Coordination: Robin Muggenthaler
Construction site of the new campus at Inselplatz
Construction site of the new campus at Inselplatz
Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)

Construction + Building Management

In the thematic area of construction + building management, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through the use of renewable energies and resources in the construction, maintenance and supply of buildings, open and green spaces is to be achieved as a priority. Furthermore, the working group deals with the increase of biodiversity and the creation of social meeting possibilities on the university campus.

The PEFC label through a magnifying glass
The PEFC label through a magnifying glass
Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)


In the procurement of materials, such as furniture or large appliances, a more circular approach is to be pursued in the future. In particular, the topics of reuse and recycling must be given higher priority. In addition, sustainable standards are to be defined which, for example, also exclude components that are harmful to health.

Chair: Matthias GödeckeExternal link (Head of the Purchasing department)

View of Engelsplatz in Jena
View of Engelsplatz in Jena
Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)


The topic of infrastructure covers the areas of space management, mobility and digitization. Important aspects such as healthy working, accessibility, sustainable travel or the expansion of the digital university structure are intended to ensure better collaboration between all university members.