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Other surveys

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Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)

In addition to CHE Ranking and Study Quality Monitor (SQM), the University participates in other German-wide surveys on learning culture and everyday student life, student finance, and studying with challenges. These surveys provide essential information for decisions related to education policy, for example equity in education, student loans, the federal Teacher Training Quality Campaign, and funding of higher education. For us as a university, they give us a good insight into the perception of studies and learning situation in Jena compared to other higher education institutions that enables us to improve the current conditions.

Participation in nationwide higher education surveys

  • DAAD survey on mobility abroad (BintHo 2024)

    How much importance do students attach to the internationality of your university? How do they rate the university's international programs? What difficulties do they face preparing for study-related stays abroad? Which aspects were particularly relevant for international students when deciding on a host university? And how do the results compare with other, similar universities in Germany? The "Benchmark International University" (BintHo) project explores these questions and more.

    The survey of German university students (BintHo) is conducted and coordinated every three years by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), and is financed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). 

    At the University of Jena, the BintHo-Project was conducted as a full survey in January 2024.

    If you are interested in the results, please refer to the last surveyExternal link


  • »Die Studierendenbefragung in Deutschland (SiD)«​

    "The Student Survey in Germany (SiD)" is the most comprehensive survey of all students in Germany to date. It combines the previous individual surveys "Study Quality MonitorExternal link", "Social SurveyExternal link", "Student SurveyExternal link" and "EUROSTUDENTExternal link" and is conducted every four years.

    The range of topics includes the social and economic situation, students' health impairments, challenges and framework conditions during the course of studies, career prospects and social values. Further information can be found at https://www.die-studierendenbefragung.deExternal linkAlmost one million students were invited to take part in the survey in the summer semester 2021. In total, more than 250 universities in Germany participated.

    At the University of Jena, the "Student Survey in Germany (SiD)" was conducted as a full survey in the summer semester 2021 ( de).

    If you are interested in the results, please refer to the last survey de.

  • Stu.diCo - Studying in the Pandemic

    How do students in Germany cope with digital studying and how do they face the changes in their daily study life caused by the pandemic? Are the required support structures provided for studying? Those are the questions investigated by the research team of the nationwide study series Stu.diCo. The University of Jena is participating in this survey.

    The nationwide Stu.diCo survey was running until 22.07.2022: link.

    Further information on the Stu.diCo III project and the results of the last two surveys from the 2020 and 2021 summer semesters can be found hereExternal link.

  • „Studying in Times of Corona“ (STECCO)

    The Coronavirus has affected public life over the past months including you as our students. We would like to understand what kind of opportunities, challenges and risks there are for you in the current situation.

    The Leibniz Institute for Research an Information in Education conducted a nationwide survey in summer semester of 2021, in which the University of Jena also participated. The survey will be repeated in the winter semester 2021/22.

  • Social Survey (DSW)

    The Social Survey is a significant data source for national and European reports on higher education. It comprises the central empirical standard data on student-related research which are then integrated into the National Report on Education. This nationwide survey on learning environment and living conditions is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

    Being carried out every three years, the survey focuses on economic and social conditions of the students within the Federal Republic of Germany. Since completing one’s studies does not only depend on the given conditions at the higher education institution, but also on the economic and social environment, the survey also includes these aspects: How do student finance their studies? What living costs do they have to cover? How many students do work parallel to their studies? How much time do they need for their studies and their part-time job?

    If you are interested in the results, please refer to the last surveyExternal link.

    Learn moreExternal linkde
  • Studying with challenges (best2)

    Being funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), this survey concentrates on students who might experience difficulties during their studies because of their health-related challenges. Among others, these might include: physical and sensory difficulties, chronic-somatic illnesses, mental illnesses, intellectual difficulties, dyslexia, autism, and other permanent challenging health conditions. The survey is limited to the member institutions of the German Rectors' Conference (Hochschulrektorenkonferenz, HRK).

    Students with health-related challenges from more than 150 institutions of higher education gave their opinion on these aspects: With challenges do they have to deal? How effective is the compensation of disadvantages? What supporting measures tend to be helpful? What role do teaching staff and fellow students play?

    If you are interested in the results, please refer to the last surveyExternal link.

    Learn moreExternal link
  • Student Survey on learning situation and study orientation (BMBF)

    Being a long-term survey, the Student Survey is an important data source for national and European reports in higher education. In addition to the Social Survey which focuses on the economic and social conditions of the students, this survey provides important standard data on student-related research which is summarized in the National Report on Education, too.

    The first survey took place in the winter semester 1982/1983, followed by regular surveys every two to three years. In the survey, almost 38,000 students usually participate coming from selected 28 institutions of higher education (16 universities and 12 universities of applied sciences).

    Among other aspects, the survey, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), concentrates on these topics: Are students satisfied with the quality of teaching activities, with advisory services, and the social environment at the given institution? What career visions do students have and how do they perceive their career opportunities? Do students actively engage in the student self-governance? What are they political points of view and their attitude towards democracy?

    • Type of survey: sampling
    • Focus: learning situation and quality of studies, study strategies, career-related orientation, socio-political orientation of the students
    • Frequency: every three years
    • Last survey: winter semester 2015/2016
    • Coordinated by: Research Group on Higher Education, University of Konstanz

    If you are interested in the results, please refer to the latest results.External link

    Learn moreExternal link
  • Student Drop-Out – Extent and Motives (DZHW)

    Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW) carried out a nationwide survey on the drop-out motives at German institutions of higher education.

    The objective of the survey was to examine the reasons for dropping out of university and the situation of those persons dropping out of studies after this decision. To elucidate this very phenomenon from several points of view, the survey comprised several groups: students who ended their studies in 2014, faculty leaderships of selected fields, and various advisory services.

    Please refer to the results.External link

    Learn moreExternal linkde
  • Survey on teacher training

    Since 2012, a special project on teacher training in Germany offers a nationwide overview of the first phase of the teacher training, i.e. studying at the university. For this purpose, the project collects data within 16 federal states (“Länder”) and at institutions of higher education which educate future teachers. The data are divided into nine focus areas. In addition to the information about the first phase of teacher training according to federal states and institutions of higher education, the survey provides data on the particular types of teacher training.

    Apart from the description on the website, the project also publishes various publications which elucidate selected topics and recommendation for actions.

    Learn moreExternal linkde
  • „Studying in Times of Corona“ (DZHW) (Summer 2020)

    The Coronavirus has affected public life over the past months including our students. We would like to understand what kind of opportunities, challenges and risks there are in the current situation.

    In order to increase our efforts and to provide better support for our students, the University of Jena has decided to join a national survey which aims at getting insight into the challenges you are currently facing, particularly as to digital teaching formats, the current employment/financial situation, and how  studies can be continued successfully under the given circumstances.

    The survey run in June 2020. The results will be found here. External link

  • Success and risk factors in master’s programmes (DZHW)

    In January and February 2020, an online-supported survey (in German only) of former master’s students was conducted by the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW)External link. The survey dealed with success and risk factors in master’s programmes and was carried out on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and ResearchExternal link.

    Despite steadily growing student numbers of master’s students, little is known about the conditions in master’s programmes. Very few well-founded empirical studies address the course of studies in master’s programmes. The survey of former students aimed at exploring the success and risk factors in master’s programmes.

    Master’s students who dropped out of their institution of higher education in the 2018/19 winter semester or 2019 summer semester were interviewed. Their assessments and verdicts are important in order to gain well-founded knowledge about master’s programmes and make improvements at institutions of higher education.

      Learn more External link

    The results are published here after the survey has been evaluated.

  • Student Survey on attractiveness of healthcare jobs

    The nationwide student survey in February 2020 on the topic of the attractiveness of jobs is conducted by the Network of Young Public Health Professionals (NÖG) conducted a nationwide student survey  in coorperation with the Academy of Public Health, the Federal Association of Public Health Service Doctors (BVÖGD) and the Federal Association of Medical Students in Germany (bvmd).

    The focus of the online survey are (1) student's requirements and demands of their jobs and furure employers and (2) training and career paths in the field of public health sector.

    The results will be published here soon.