Hidden image showing a doctoral hat

Good doctoral supervision - a matter of perspective?

Panel discussion on the new guidelines for the doctoral phase
Hidden image showing a doctoral hat
Image: Adiobestock/Bearbeitung: GA
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In 2021, the University Senate approved "Guidelines for the doctoral phase". The guidelines are intended to serve doctoral researchers and their supervisors as a stimulus to make the best of the doctoral phase. Unfortunately, we were not able to present the guidelines publicly last year. This year, we would like to make up for that – with this panel.

The discussion will focus on the frictions and challenges the doctorate comes with: Should supervision be rather close or should it rather enable early academic independence? When does it make sense to have more than one supervisor? Should doctoral researchers be integrated into the academic community - even if they may not remain in academia at all?

We would like to invite you as experts to discuss these and other questions. On the panel will be:

  • Prof. Dr. Holger Gies (Theoretical physics)
  • Prof. Dr. Nicole van Dam (Molecular Interaction Ecology)
  • Jun.-Prof. Dr. Maria Backhouse (Sociology)
  • David Delkus (Economics, DR.FSU)

The event will take place as an online panel talk on 14 June at 17.00h. The discussion will be simultaneously translated into English on a second audio channel. This will allow international researchers to participate as well. Registration is not necessary. You can find the access data for the Zoom session on this page on the day of the event.

Dial-in details for the zoom session:
https://uni-jena-de.zoom.us/j/68414243147External link
Password: Leitlinien

You can find the guidelines for the doctoral phase on this website.