Different career paths

Career Days 2022

Workshops, information lectures and talks supporting doctoral candidates and postdocs in preparing their next career step within academia or outside in industry and society.
Different career paths
Illustration: Melissa Fiebig

What can I expect after my doctorate? What opportunities do I have and how do I find suitable jobs? Answering these questions and planning the next career step after the doctorate is a challenge for many doctoral candidates. The Career Days provide orientation for the transition phase after the doctorate with practical tips and tricks. 

The Career Days will take place online from 8 to 10 November 2022. The event includes three formats: impulse workshops, information lectures and career talks. You can find an overview of all offers here below.

Programme Overview

Programme of Career Days
Programme of Career Days
Image: Graduierten-Akademie


  • Skyscrapers at Potsdamer Square
    Image: istockphoto.com/Nikada
    Career Outside AcademiaExternal link Learn what companies expect in job advertisements and e.g. in the assessment centre and how you can successfully present yourself with the help of your application documents. Discover how to access the hidden job market through strategic networking and how an interdisciplinary mindset improves your opportunities in the job market.
  • Idea for a start-up
    Image: istockpohoto.com/Ong-ad Nuseewor
    EntrepreneurshipExternal link Get information about the university's support options for doctoral candidates and postdocs as well as helpful third-party funding programmes for realising and marketing your start-up idea. Discover how you can build your own prototype in the Open Photonics Makerspace (Lichtwerkstatt Jena) using 3D printing, laser cutting or microcontrollers.
  • International scientist in optics lab
    Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)
    Academic CareerExternal link Get an insight into the positions and career paths within the German science system. Find out what third-party funding opportunities are available to you in the postdoc phase. Learn tips and tricks for writing successful proposals.

Important Information for Registering

  • Impulse Workshops

    All impulse workshops will take place online in parallel in the morning from 9:00 to 12:00. These are closed offers, i.e. places are limited.

    • RegistrationExternal link is necessary: This will be possible from 11.10.22 (15:00) until 24.10.22 (12:00) via the qualification portal of the University of Jena. After the registration deadline you will receive an acceptance or rejection and the respective access data.
    • Please register for a maximum of two impulse workshops. We will try to make it possible for you to participate in at least one of the workshops you have requested. You will need a camera and a microphone for the impulse workshops, as this is the only way to ensure interaction with the workshop trainers and other participants.
  • Information Lectures

    The information lectures will take place online in parallel in the afternoon from 14:00 to 16:00. To participate, please registerExternal link. After registration you will receive the access data. Registration is possible from 11.10.22 until the start of the event.

  • Career Talks

    The career talks will take place online on Tuesday and Thursday from 13:00 to 14:00. RegistrationExternal link is necessary for participation. After registration you will receive the access data. Registration is possible from 11.10.22 until the start of the event.

Career Talks in the Lunch Break

Panel talk
Karrierewege bei Stiftungen und Projektträgern
Tuesday, 08.11.22
13:00-14:00 Uhr
Focus: Science management, project management and start-ups
(in German)


Graduate Academy

Johannisstr. 13
07743 Jena

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