
All Short Workshops take place online and are scheduled as parallel sessions between 9:00 am and 12:00 noon.
Please note that there is limited seating for these sessions. Early registration is required for the short workshops: Registration was open from Oct. 4, 2021 (9:00 AM) to Oct. 11, 2021 (12:00 noon) via the qualification portal of the University of JenaExternal link. Almost all workshops are fully booked. Take a look at the qualification portal for free places.We recommend that you register for a maximum of two Short Workshops. We will make all reasonable efforts to enable you to participate in at least one of the sessions you have registered for. After the registration deadline, you will receive an e-mail confirming or cancelling your participation. If there is a large number of registrations, we will randomly select the participants.
Your device for participation needs to be equipped with a camera and a microphone, as this is the only way to ensure interaction with the session leaders and other participants.
LinkedIn for Professional Networking
LinkedIn for Professional Networking
Maia GeorgeNetworking in general should be a central part of transitioning from university into industry. Social Media channels like LinkedIn should be one of the tools in your networking toolbox. But for many people, it seems unclear how to add to offline networking with online networking.
In this workshop, we will explore and discuss what’s realistic when it comes to networking on LinkedIn. We will go through what’s possible, also dependent on your comfort levels. We will learn about targeted networking, the netiquette and how to use posts as a networking tool. In short, LinkedIn can be a powerful tool during this transition if you know how to use it.
The target audience of this workshop is people who are not uncomfortable with networking but have not yet learned to use social media for networking.
Maia George (Wissenschaftscoach) offers workshops and coaching on scholarship applications, healthy self-organisation, social media in higher education and ethical interaction between young researchers.
Bewerbung für den außerakademischen Arbeitsmarkt
Bewerbung für den außerakademischen Arbeitsmarkt
Evelyn HochheimSich zu bewerben ist eine anspruchsvolle Tätigkeit, die den wenigsten Menschen leichtfällt. Eigene Fähigkeiten und Erfahrungen müssen bilanziert, mit Stellenprofilen abgeglichen und in schriftlicher und mündlicher Form kommuniziert werden.
In diesem Impulsworkshop erfahren Sie, was Sie bei Bewerbungen für den außeruniversitären Arbeitsmarkt beachten sollten und wie Sie typische Fehler vermeiden können. Sie lernen, mit welchen Kompetenzen Sie punkten können und wie Sie Ihr Profil in Bewerbungsverfahren authentisch und überzeugend kommunizieren.
- Zahlen und Fakten zum Berufseinstieg Promovierter
- Übungen zur Kompetenzanalyse
- Welche Kompetenzen sind wichtig?
- Kommunikation des eigenen Profils im Bewerbungsprozess
- Tipps und Impulse zur beruflichen Orientierung
Evelyn Hochheim - Als Leiterin des Careers Service der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, als Mitarbeiterin der Graduierten-Akademie der Universität Jena und im Rahmen ihrer freiberuflichen Tätigkeit als Karriereberaterin hat sie zahlreiche Workshops für unterschiedliche Zielgruppen konzipiert und durchgeführt. Seit 2015 leitet sie die Servicestelle LehreLernen.
Writing Cover Letters for Job Applications
Writing Cover Letters for Job Applications
Dr. Hendrik HuthoffThere is no second chance for making a first impression. When applying for a job, you CV and cover letter will determine whether you will get an invite for an interview or not.
In this workshop, we will discuss the dos and don'ts of cover letter writing and provide you with a structured approach to writing a tailored letter for each job you apply to.
! Please bring a letter you have previously written so we can discuss by examples how your writing can be improved.
Dr. Hendrik Huthoff is scientific manager and head of education of the Jena School for Microbial Communication (JSMC).
Find a Job in Industry – Job Search Strategies
Find a Job in Industry - Job Search Strategies
Heidi StörrLeaving academia and looking for a job in the industry is an important and sometimes difficult step. Understanding the application rules and the expectations of the company enables you to go through a quickly and successful job-search process outside academia.
In this seminar you will understand how to target your search for future employment, and where you can look for vacancies. You get to know various options of job databases and activities to come into contact with employers. Additionally, you will learn the meaning of typical phrases in job advertisements and identifying “must” and “can” criteria. With an example it is explained how much your chances of success are influenced by requirements you cannot fulfil.
Heidi Störr (Push Your Career - Career Consultancy) - After her graduation in business studies she worked for several companies as a HR Specialist. Since 2012 she offers advice for German and international academic graduates. With her seminars she provides an introduction to most central aspects of starting a career in Germany after graduation.
What qualities do I have and how do I sell them?
What qualities do I have and how do I sell them? The transfer of academic soft skills for non-academic career paths
Caroline KettingAfter completing their studies or doctorate, many are faced with the challenge of embarking on a new career outside academia or in science management. In contrast to the scientific job market, however, they cannot score points with their specialist expertise alone, and the job market even seems to have little interest in some specialist areas. The good news is: PhDs often have more to offer than they themselves realize. Essential are the broader competences and so-called "soft skills" that develop through research, teaching and other roles as a scientist.
What do you have to offer and how can you credibly present your qualities in the resume and at the interview? In this impulse talk, you will receive practical information on how you can use the soft skills and knowledge you have acquired in academia for the non-academic job market. Primarily focused on the German job market. It will address the questions:
- Do you know your qualities?
- How to present these competencies in a resume / CV / „Lebenslauf“?
- What experience can you cite in the interview as an example of acquiring these soft skills?
Caroline Ketting is a trainer and coach (Ketting Coaching). In her trainings she uses her many years of intercultural experience as a recruiter, career consultant and manager for profit and non-profit companies in the Netherlands and Germany.
Arbeitgeber im Gespräch: Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt
Arbeitgeber im Gespräch: Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt
Dr. Rolf BruckschIn dem Workshop lernen Sie das DPMA als Arbeitgeber und insbesondere die Tätigkeit des Patentprüfers bzw. der Patentprüferin (Bundesbeamter im höheren technischen Dienst) kennen. Sie werden hierbei anhand eines einfachen Beispiels durch den Arbeitsablauf bei der Patentrecherche und -prüfung geführt. Ziel ist es, Ihnen diese vielen unbekannten Tätigkeiten näher zu bringen und Sie möglicherweise für eine Bewerbung bei uns zu interessieren.
Zielgruppe: Promovierende (insbesondere wiss./techn. universitärer Abschluss, EU-Staatsbürger mit sehr guten Deutschkenntnissen); folgende Fachbereiche werden angesprochen: Physik, Werkstoffwissenschaften, Chemie, Biochemie, Biogeowissenschaften, aber auch Elektrotechnik und allgemeiner Maschinenbau.
Dr. Rolf Brucksch ist selbst Patentprüfer und Gruppenleiter am DPMA in München.
Karrierewege im Non Profit Sektor: NGOs, Stiftungen und Öffentlicher Dienst
Karrierewege im Non Profit Sektor: NGOs, Stiftungen und Öffentlicher Dienst
Dr. Antje SchultheisDer Workshop hat zum Ziel Promovierenden aufzuzeigen, welche beruflichen Möglichkeiten sie jenseits der universitären und Hochschullandschaft haben und wo sie ihre wissenschaftlichen Skills adäquat (bezahlt) einsetzen können. Der Fokus hier liegt hier auf dem Arbeitsmarktsegment des Non Profit Bereichs.
Die Promovierenden erhalten einen Überblick über potentielle Arbeitgeber, die Erwartungen der Arbeitgeber und konkrete strategische Hinweise zum Netzwerken im Non-Profit Bereich. Dabei schauen wir sowohl auf NGOs und Stiftungen - als auch auf den Öffentlichen Dienst, v.a. Bundes-Behörden mit wissenschaftlichem Sparten oder passenden Referentenpositionen (z.B. BZGA, BBK, DIE, BIBB, UBA und BfN) sowie zudem auch angewandte Forschungsinstitute.
Im Workshop geht es zudem um eigene Reflektion und einen Realitycheck, wo man selbst steht im Kontext der wachsenden Anzahl Promovierender bei gleichzeitig interessanter Ausdifferenzierung zusätzlicher methodischer Kompetenzen. Hierfür wird ein Kompetenz-Check in digitaler Partnerarbeit angesetzt. Die Teilnehmenden erarbeiten sich abschließend ein Orientierungsmodell für ihre künftige berufliche Entwicklung entlang ihrer Kompetenzen, Werte und Kontexte.
Dr. Antje Schultheis (as.empowerment) arbeitet als Beraterin für berufliche Entwicklungsprozesse mit Fokus auf Akademiker*innen und Coach in verschiedenen Netzwerken.
LinkedIn: Increase your Visibility with a Perfect Profile
LinkedIn: Increase your Visibility with a Perfect Profile
Maia GeorgePart of the challenge of transitioning from university into industry can be to figure out how to present yourself online for when potential employers look for you on a search engine. LinkedIn is one of the first places where you should have a complete and attractive profile. But when you’re new to this type of visibility, you might be unsure about how much to disclose, how to frame certain aspects of your vita or what a complete profile actually entails.
In this workshop, we will go through what a perfect LinkedIn profile should look like and we will have exercises to help you get the style right. At the same time, we will take the algorithm into account and will learn how to use it in our favor.
! The target audience of this workshop is people who are new to LinkedIn or have had LinkedIn for a while but have a rather empty or incomplete profile.
Maia George (Wissenschaftscoach) offers workshops and coaching on scholarship applications, healthy self-organisation, social media in higher education and ethical interaction between young researchers.
How to Start a Research Group
How to start a research group - How to get there and what to do when you are there
Dr. Mark GresnigtAs an early career researcher, starting a junior research group is often the next crucial step in the academic career. However, leading a junior research group is crucially different from doing work as a doctoral or postdoctoral researcher.
During this workshop we will discuss the path to starting a Junior Research Group, highlight crucial aspects and what you can work on early during your career to make sure you have a competitive profile. In the first year as a junior research group leader, one encounters a lot of new situations experiences and tasks. Some of these one might expect, while other situations can be completely unexpected. We will discuss what you can do to successfully start and manage your research group once you have secured funding for your group.
Dr. Mark Gresnigt is Junior Research Group Leader at the Leibniz Institute of Natural Product Research and Infection Biology - Hans Knoell Institute (HKI), Head of Adaptive Pathogenicity Strategies.
Find a Job in Industry – Application Documents
Find a Job in Industry – Application Documents
Heidi StörrLeaving academia and looking for a job in the industry is an important and sometimes difficult step. Understanding the application rules and the expectations of the company enables you to go through a quickly and successful job-search process outside academia.
In this workshop you will understand how to write your cover letter and CV, and how best to adapt your application to the job offer. You will see examples for a professional application design and photos. Moreover, you will get advice for your certificate selection and receive important hints for your application phase in general.
! During the course we will discuss some examples of your own applications. If you want to make use of of this, please, prepare a CV/cover letter for a job of your choice.
Heidi Störr (Push Your Career - Career Consultancy) - After her graduation in business studies she worked for several companies as a HR Specialist. Since 2012 she offers advice for German and international academic graduates. With her seminars she provides an introduction to most central aspects of starting a career in Germany after graduation.