Digitalization strategy

The strategy for digital transformation in research, teaching and administration


The digital transformation provides the Friedrich Schiller University Jena with opportunities for profiling as well as for a variety of innovations and, at the same time, challenges it to adopt new ways of working and modernization. Digitalization should be the subject and instrument of interdisciplinary research, requires the further development of teaching content, enables new ways of imparting knowledge and is a basis for service-oriented and modern administration. The strategic development of digitalization at the University of Jena is to focus on the needs and requirements of university members and is in line with the university's strategy processes for research, teaching, promotion of young scientists and internationalization.

Structure of the strategy

As a guideline or framework for digitalization, principles are first established. Three sub-strategies for (I) digitalization in research and library, (II) studies and teaching, and (III) administration and infrastructure then identify key opportunities and challenges of digitalization. These are linked to corresponding objectives, for the achievement of which sets of measures are finally named, so that the interrelationships between these levels are comprehensible.

Continuous further development

The current version from April 2023 initially contains the principles, as well as the opportunities, challenges, goals, and measures for digitalization in studies and teaching. The other parts will be supplemented in the same year. The process of developing a strategy for digitalization will thus by no means be completed, but will be continuously continued by new versions in order to incorporate further fields of action, growing user requirements, and the high dynamics of technological innovations.

Principles of digital transformation

Digitalization puts users at the centre of development

Successful digitalization is achieved when the offerings, tools and measures are aligned with people's needs. Therefore, value must be placed on accessibility, comprehensibility and usability. In order to create solutions that enrich our everyday research, study and work, users must be actively involved in the digital transformation.

Digitalization creates tangible and sustainable added value for research, teaching and administration

Digitalization offerings and measures should bring about visible improvements. They should not be implemented as an aim in itself, but should contribute to concrete objectives in the interests of users. The solutions of digitalization must be sustainably anchored in the university structures.

Digitalization will not displace in person contact in research, teaching, studies and work, but enrich it

The University of Jena is a place of encounter and exchange. The direct contact between university members in person is valuable, nevertheless digital media and forms of cooperation can enrich this in many ways and create entirely new opportunities for cooperation by bridging large distances.

Digitalization offers equal access opportunities for all users

The possibilities of digitalization should be available to all members of the University of Jena in the same way. Access to digital offerings as well as their presentation and usability are to be designed in such a way that exclusion effects are avoided.

Digitalization takes into account individual and professional cultural differences

Users in different areas are following the path of digital transformation at different speeds and formulate individual requirements for digital offerings. The differences must be recognized and a balanced range of central, discipline-specific and individual solutions developed.

Digitalization is a continuous task

Both technological possibilities and their potential for the University of Jena and the expectations of its users are constantly evolving. Both sides are to be taken up in a continuous process and continuously led to added value through innovative offers.

Digitalization respects the protection of personal data

With the power of digital systems, the spread of artificial intelligence and the amount of data collected from users, our responsibility to protect the right of informational self-determination is also increasing.

Version from April 19, 2023 (previous versions and changes)