Before submitting an application, you are welcome to seek advice from the Service Centre for Research and Transfer. You can find the right contact person here.
Summer term 2024: 14 applications submitted, 3 grants
Funded research projects (in alphabetical order):
Prof. Dr. Michaela Riediger (Developmental Psychology): Empathic abilities as risk and resilience factors for stress and health in the elderly, in cooperation with: Prof. Dr. Veronika Engert (Jena University Hospital, UKJ)
Prof. Dr. Caroline Rosenthal, Andrin Albrecht (American Studies): Romantic Currents: Water Narratives between American Romanticism and a Transnational Present, in cooperation with: pertinent universities in the field of Blue Humanities
Prof. Dr. Eva Winter (Klassische Archäologie): Der Jenaer Maler revisited. Untersuchungen zur attischen Keramik zwischen Klassik und Hellenismus, in cooperation with: Dr. rer. nat. Tina Block, Dr. rer. nat. habil. Mathias Herrmann (Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems IKTS)
Winter term 2023: 5 applications submitted, 2 grants
Funded research projects (in alphabetical order):
Prof. Dr. Volker Gast (English and American Studies), PD Dr. Holger Graf (Microeconomics): Wissenschaftskommunikation und Wissenstransfer. Zur strategischen Bedeutung von Pressemitteilungen in der Drittmittelakquise
Julian Kauk, Dr. Helene Kreysa, Prof. Dr. Stefan Schweinberger (General Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience): Dynamics of online climate (mis)information: Risks and potentials for climate change mitigatio
Summer term 2023: 9 applications submitted, 5 grants
Funded research projects (in alphabetical order):
Prof. Dr. Stefanie Middendorf (Contemporary history): Emergency Mindsets: On the Transnational History of States of Exception after the First World War, in cooperation with pertinent international researchers
Prof. Dr. Michaela Riediger (Developmental Psychology): The Role of Parents in Preschoolers’ Development of Negative Attitudes towards Older Adults. Direct and Indirect Pathways and Malleability of Parental Influence, in cooperation with: Prof. Dr. Anna Kornadt (University of Luxembourg)
Dr. Mariana Schütt, Marlen van den Ecker (Sociology of Knowledge and Social Theory): Epistemology of Artificial Intelligence and Social Change, in cooperation with: Dr. Felipe Figueroa Zimmermann (Max-Planck-Institute for Innovation and Competition, München)
Prof. Dr. Ruprecht von Waldenfels (Slavic Linguistics), Prof. Dr. Adrian Simpson, Prof. Dr. Melanie Weirich (Speech science and phonetics): Variation in speech in Ukraine: dialectology meets sociolinguistics in a digital age
Dr. Thomas Zingelmann, Michael Jenewein (Philosophy with a focus on image theory and phenomenology): Philosophie des Fahrens
Winter term 2022: 12 applications submitted, 6 grants
Funded research projects (in alphabetical order):
Dr. Judith Hack (Classical Studies): Antike Homosexualität und ihre Rezeption um 1900
Prof. Dr. Thomas Kleinlein, Luise Seidel (Public law, international law, European law and comparative law), Prof. Dr. Andrea Meyer-Fraatz (Slavic Literary Studies): Translationales globales Recht
Dr. Cynthia Möller (KomRex), Jun.-Prof. Dr. Sarah Jäger (Systematic theology), Prof. Dr. Michael Wermke (Religious pedagogy): „Antigenderismus“ – Diskursverflechtungen zwischen Akteur*innen der Neuen Rechten und dem konservativen Protestantismus in Sozialen Medien
PD Dr. Katja Müller (Environmental Sociology): Climate Advocacy, in Kooperation mit: Prof. Dr. James Goodman (University of Technology Sydney) und Prof. Pradik Swarnakar (Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur)
Stefan van der Hoek (Research Center for Religion and Education): Religiöse Vielfalt am Amazonas, in Kooperation mit: Prof. Dr. Erika Helgen (Yale University)
Prof. Dr. Lambert Wiesing (Philosophy with a focus on image theory and phenomenology): Bild und Soziale Imagination, in cooperation with: „Picture Theory Group“