Servers, data and systems

This service is available to employees of the university.

Would you like to run your own subject-specific application for your research and teaching that cannot be tendered centrally by the University Computer Centre? Does your research work generate large amounts of research information that you would like to store and analyse in a structured way or link to different issues? However, you would like to avoid costly procurement processes or the expense of operating the technical infrastructure?

The URZ provides suitable infrastructure for various purposes:

  • Provision of server systems (virtual machine / server hosting)

    Do you need your own server for the operation of specialised services in research or teaching that the URZ does not offer? Then you can use the option of hosting virtual servers .

    The URZ provides you with all the necessary network and storage connections and carries out regular backups. The provision takes place as a root server (self-managed virtual machine). You receive administrative access to your virtual server, which you can manage self-em|on a self-employed basis, configure individually and install any applications on. You are responsible for the installation and configuration of all required applications and for the administration (including updates to the operating system) of the virtual system provided.

    You should bear these things in mind:

    • the URZ operates the virtualisation environment and creates weekly data backups; you are responsible for maintaining the virtual server,
    • the virtual servers will be handed over to you with the latest operating system versions in the basic installation (possible operating systems can be found on the application form),
      • Windows servers of the domain are connected to the Windows Server Update Service (WSUS) of the URZ for automatic updates
    • Security gaps are to be avoided by always using the latest versions of the operating system and the software/applications installed on it,
    • the maintenance of your server system must be carried out by an experienced technician ,
    • a valid SSL certificate(server certificate de) is required for web services,
    • you are responsible for content and for compliance with the law (data protection, accessibility, etc.).
  • Access to external cloud services (via OCRE framework agreement)

    Do you need highly scalable or flexible IT infrastructures for your research project or teaching from external cloud providers? Whether you need a performance-intensive training environment for workshops or seminars, highly scalable web surveys or web services that do not have to be maintained permanently, the OCRE project( link enables scientific facilities|institutions|(structural)External link units and institutions of higher education to use the resources of external cloud providers.

    With the DFN-Verein e.VExternal link (Association for the Promotion of a German Research Network) as a partner, you can easily access services from well-known cloud providers via the URZ. You can find a complete overview of possible partners at: link The URZ advises and supports you in the procurement process.

  • Database hosting

    Whether you have sophisticated research applications or a web environment, if you want to store your research information systematically and efficiently and have high data management requirements, you can use a database provided by the URZ.

    The URZ currently offers MySQL, Microsoft SQL and Oracle databases . The service includes the installation of a database on a URZ database management system. You administer your database and your data self-employed individuals|freelancers. The URZ takes over the maintenance and operation of the server infrastructure and regularly backs up your data.

  • Server Housing

    Are there important reasons for operating your own server hardware and there is no suitable space in your facility|institution|(structural) unit? The University Computer Centre offers to house your server technology on the premises of the URZ to a limited extent. Please make an appointment with our IT Service Centre de for an individual housing agreement.

    You should bear these things in mind:

    • the URZ provides the spatial infrastructure, including internet connection, air conditioning and emergency power supply, and takes over simple administrative tasks that can only be carried out on site,
    • They are responsible for the maintenance and operation of the server and the applications running on it,
    • Security gaps must be avoided by always using the latest versions of the operating system and the software/applications installed on it,
    • the maintenance of your server system must be carried out by an experienced technician ,
    • a valid SSL certificate(server certificate de) is required for web services,
    • you are responsible for content and for compliance with the law (data protection, accessibility, etc.).
  • Server Backup

    Server Backup
    Do you operate your own servers in your facility|institution|(structural) unit and would like to back up your server data at regular intervals? The URZ offers you the option of integrating your servers into our centralised backup system.

    You tell us which directories should be backed up and at what interval (daily, weekly, monthly). You can restore your data accordingly in the event of loss. The installation of a backup client software is required for the integration into the central backup system of the URZ. Please note, however, that it is not possible to restore a computer completely, as only your user data is saved.

    Usage note:
    Please inform the URZ if you leave the Friedrich Schiller University. Your data will be automatically deleted without prior notice when the expiry period after leaving the university expires.

  • Security and network connectivity for servers

    Server certificates
    Secure access to your server with a server certificate so that data and information can be securely exchanged between your server and all users.

    HTTP proxy
    When a server system of the URZ is provided, it is located in a specially secured network area of the URZ. If your system needs to access certain services or systems outside this protected subject area|field (e.g. to download updates), this is possible via the URZ HTTP proxy. In order to establish a connection to the desired external system, its domain / URL must be entered in the proxy (port activation).

    SSH login server
    The URZ generally recommends access to server structures of the University of Jena via the VPN client de. Under certain circumstances, access without an active VPN connection may be necessary. Access can still be made securely via the SSH login server of the URZ. To use the SSH login server, a university account is mandatory. It is also necessary to apply for SSH access in advance.

Is your enquiry more complex? You are welcome to contact the Competence Centre for Digital Research de (zedif) as an interface between science and infrastructure. If you have specific questions about your research data, please contact the Research Data Management Helpdesk de.


Opening hours:
Mo.-Fr. von 7:30 - 21:30 Uhr