Modern Persian is the mother tongue of around 60 million people and the second language of a further 50 million people in Iran and neighbouring countries. It is also spoken in a slightly different form (called Dāri) by around 12 million people in Afghanistan. Although it is written in Arabic script, it is an Indo-European language and therefore much easier to learn than Arabic. It is worth the effort, as the language provides access to a fascinating and extremely hospitable country with thousands of years of history and a very dynamic current development.
Persian is also of great historical importance. New Persian literature dates back to the 9th century AD and has been cultivated without interruption ever since. The module Persian III also offers the opportunity to read this classical literary language, including that of Ḥāfiż (d. 791/1389), the most famous of all Persian poets. Persian was the most influential cultural language in the region for many centuries.
The Persian courses are offered in cooperation with the Department of Oriental Studies at the University of Jena. Three levels (Persian I, II and III) are offered. The goal is level A2-B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
The current course programme and all information on the courses can be found in the electronic course catalogue FriedolinExternal link.
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Ernst-Abbe-Platz 8
07743 Jena
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