Newly appointed professors 2017
Miriam Agler-Rosenbaum
Agler Rosenbaum
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)Professorship: Synthetic Biotechnology
Previous employer: RWTH Aachen (Germany)
Valeska Bopp-Filimonov
Prof. Dr. Bopp-Filimonov
Image: FSUProfessorship: Romanistik
Rumänistik (Romance Studies / Romanian Studies)Previous employer: Academic Scholarship Foundation (Germany)
Wiebke Brose
Wiebke Brose
Image: FSUProfessorship: Bürgerliches Recht und Sozialrecht (civil and social law)
Previous employer: University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany)
Liuchun Deng
Professorship: Structural Change and Productivity
Previous employer: Johns Hopkins University (United States)
Carola Dietze
Professorship: Modern History
Previous employer: Justus Liebig University Giessen (Germany)
Christian Eggeling
Christian Eggeling
Image: FSUProfessorship: Super-Resolution Microscopy
Previous employer: University of Oxford (United Kingdom)
Carsten Hoffmann
Carsten Hoffmann
Image: UKJProfessorship: Molecular Cell Biology
Previous employer: Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg (Germany)
Steve Hoffmann
Steve Hoffmann
Image: FSUProfessorship: Computational Biology of Aging
Previous employer: Leipzig University (Germany)
Jutta Hübner
Jutta Hübner
Image: privatProfessorship: Integrative Oncology
Previous employer: German Cancer Society (Germany)
Anna Kipp
Anna Kipp
Image: FSUProfessorship: Molecular Physiology of Nutrition
Previous employer: German Institute of Human Nutrition (Germany)
Kathrin Leuze
Kathrin Leuze
Image: FSUProfessorship: Methods of Empirical Research and Analysis of Social Stratification
Previous employer: Leibniz University Hannover (Germany)
Sophie Marshall
Professorship: Germanistische Mediävistik (German Medieval Literature)
Previous employer: University of Stuttgart (Germany)
Michaela Riediger
Michaela Riediger
Image: FSUProfessorship: Developmental Psychology
Previous employer: Freie Universität Berlin and Max Planck Institute for Human Development Berlin (Germany)
Heidemarie Schmidt
Heidemarie Schmidt
Image: FSUProfessorship: Solid State Physics / Quantum Detection
Previous employer: Chemnitz University of Technology (Germany)
Birgitta Schultze-Bernhardt
Prof. Dr. Birgitta Bernhardt
Image: FSUProfessorship: Experimental Physics / Extreme Ultraviolet and X-Ray Sources
Previous employer: Technical University of Munich (Germany)
Isabell Staude
Prof. Dr. Staude
Image: FSUProfessorship: Functional Photonic Nanostructures
Previous employer: Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Germany)
Christoph Steinbeck
Christoph Steinbeck
Image: FSUProfessorship: Analytical Chemistry / Chemoinformatics / Chemometry
Previous employer: European Bioinformatics Institute (United Kingdom)
Claudia Waskow
Professorship: Immunology of Ageing
Previous employer: Technical University of Dresden (Germany)
Roland Zech
Roland Zech
Image: FSUProfessorship: Physical Geography
Previous employer: University of Bern (Switzerland)