The Deutschlandstipendium scholarship is a state-funded program that offers financial support to talented students.
The University of Jena has been participating in the scholarship since 2011. Every year, around 60 students of our university receive a scholarship of 300 euros per month. Thanks to the support of our partners, more than 550 students have already been supported with a total of over two million euros.
Each scholarship is funded equally by sponsors such as foundations, companies or private individuals, and by the federal government. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic achievements, social commitment and personal background.
Friederike W. is a holder of the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship and talks about her experiences and the application process.
Screenshot: Irena WalindaGabriele Beccacece is a holder of the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship and talks about his experiences and the application process.
Screenshot: Irena Walinda
University Main Building
Fürstengraben 1
07743 Jena
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Postal address:
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Dezernat 1 – Studierende | Division 1 – Student Affairs
Weiterbildung | Further Education
Fürstengraben 1
07743 Jena