
EC2U consults its community

Help us grow by giving your input.
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  • Liberty

Published: | By: Melinda Kolb

Your opinion is welcome! Help shape EC2U, Jena's European University Alliance.

 Did you know that as a member of the University of Jena community--student, faculty, staff--you are also a part of the European Campus of City-Universities - EC2U? Together with our six partner institutions in this European University Alliance, the University of jena is establishing shared offers and corss-border cooperative structures across the spectrum of disciplines.

We need your input to move forward, whether or not you are already familiar with EC2U, its goals and its programs.

Our objective: From time to time EC2U consults its community in order to understand better how the Alliance is perceived by all and to gather valuable insight on how we can actively improve our actions to fit your needs.

Our request to you: To do so, we ask you to fill out the linked feedback survey below.
The survey questions cover the many cooperative activities led by the Alliance and will take you about 5 to 10 minutes to complete. Filling the survey out completely will be key in the future development of EC2U.

All responses are anonymous. We are collecting feedback from all seven universities of the Alliance. The survey is therefore in English. However, please feel free to answer the questions in your preferred language.

EC2U highly values the input from our community, and we thank you in advance for your time.

Access the survey here: link (survey closes 01.12.2022)


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