Formular Forstweg 26

Form:Formular Forstweg 26


Guest house
Forstweg 26
07745 Jena

Contact person

Sabine Ruge
Mobil:  +49 151 422 242 59


Pets are not allowed.

Minimum rental period

4 Weeks

Arrival and departure

Arrivals are possible at any time by arrangement. Departure is to be carried out by 10 a.m. on the day of departure. 

Please make an entry
Please make an entry You have exceeded the maximum number of characters (2048)
Please make an entry You have exceeded the maximum number of characters (2048)
Please make an entry You have exceeded the maximum number of characters (2048)
Please make an entry You have exceeded the maximum number of characters (2048)
Please make an entry You have exceeded the maximum number of characters (2048)
Please make an entry You have exceeded the maximum number of characters (2048)
Please make an entry You have exceeded the maximum number of characters (2048)
Please make an entry
Please make an entry You have exceeded the maximum number of characters (2048)
Please make an entry You have exceeded the maximum number of characters (2048)


Please make an entry You have exceeded the maximum number of characters (2048)
Please make an entry You have exceeded the maximum number of characters (2048)
Please make an entry You have exceeded the maximum number of characters (2048)

Accompanying partner, family

Please make an entry You have exceeded the maximum number of characters (2048)
Please make an entry You have exceeded the maximum number of characters (2048)

Accommodation & type of room

Please make an entry


Data Protection

The Friedrich Schiller University Jena processes your personal data for the purposes of the reservation request only.
Should you have any questions regarding data protection, please contact

Please note our privacy policy.
Explanatory notes
  1. *The fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory.