Friedrich Schiller University Jena is committed to creating a respectful and fair working and qualification environment. By signing the Diversity Charter “Charta der Vielfalt”, it has pledged to recognise, value and incorporate diversity and to commit to the idea of gender mainstreaming. Specifically, it pursues the goal of ensuring that all people have equal access to and can successful participate in university education and science in a way that is appropriate to their opportunities and capacities. This includes measures to increase equal opportunities and equality between women and men, but also to ensure freedom from discrimination and equal rights for people with diverse backgrounds and life situations. For the doctorate and postdoc phase, these goals are implemented by the Graduate Academy.
In general, everybody has the chance to pursue a doctorate and an academic career, regardless of individual or socio-cultural characteristics. If there are special circumstances and individual needs, there are specific support and counselling services in place. The tiles below provide an initial overview of special challenges during the doctoral phase, but do not claim to be exhaustive. We are also sensitised to the fact that many identity attributes are not visible at first glance. Additionally, different diversity dimensions frequently overlap in everyday life, so you cannot view them in isolation from each other (intersectionality). In principle, however, you can expect a general understanding of your situation and your circumstances!
Haus "Zur Rosen"
Johannisstraße 13
07743 Jena