Lernen in der Schule

Short-term internships in schools

Apply now for a 2- to 4-week internship in one of the EC2U cities during the 2022-2023 school year.
Lernen in der Schule
Image: senivpetro - freepik
  • Liberty

Published: | By: Melinda Kolb

EC2U-Scholarships for short-term internships in European classrooms

EC2U is all about intercultural interaction and experience. In this particular program, we invite students interested in teaching to gain experience in classrooms in all seven cities of our University Alliance.  See information on the participating schools on the main EC2U website, https://ec2u.eu/for-students/careerhorizons/ec2u-classroom-internships/External link

Each internship is from 2 to 4 weeks long. Two internships per EC2U university can be funded through EC2U scholarships.

 Apply now!

Applications are being accepted on an ongoing basis for the short-term Classroom Internships. LA-, BA-, MA-students in at least their 5th semester of study are eligible. See https://ec2u.eu/for-students/careerhorizons/ec2u-classroom-internships/External link for application forms and information.

Individual consultation

If you are interested, but are unsure about how it might work for you individually in terms of subject qualifications and timing, contact Melinda Kolb, EC2U Local Coordinator for Jena, at ec2u-internships@uni-jena.de to ask your questions or to set up an individual consultation appointment. Inquiries are welcome!


Poster EC2U Classroom Internships
Poster EC2U Classroom Internships
Graphic: Kolb