Bust of Friedrich Schiller in fromt of yellow flowers

New release of the Teaching Newsletter is online

The fourth edition of the Teaching Newsletter 2022 was published on 02.12.2022
Bust of Friedrich Schiller in fromt of yellow flowers
Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)


Teaching is one of the core tasks of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. Teaching is highlighted as an important area of strategic university development because of the adoption of the "Strategy 2025 - Teaching". And indeed, there is a lot going on in teaching at Friedrich Schiller University about which there is news to report and learn:

This year, the DIES LEGENDI - 'Day of Teaching' attracted a wide audience to the Rose Halls with the theme"Nothing is certain, everything is in motion -- dealing with science communication and criticism in teaching". The broad panel discussion enriched the day with diverse ideas and concrete suggestions for promoting science communication in teaching after a science slam and a keynote address. In the section Teaching IN DIALOGUE you will find the follow-up to this event.

Appropriately, Prof. Dr. Jutta Hübner, was interviewed about how she integrates science communication into her courses and what suggestions she has for the future of teaching. You can find the interview in the section Teaching INQUIRED.

You can find more interesting news in the current issue of the Teaching newsletter at:  https://www.uni-jena.de/newsletterlehre04-22 de

If you do not want to miss any future issue of the Teaching Newsletter, you can register hereExternal link to      receive a brief notification as soon as a new newsletter is published.

Would you like to present a teaching concept yourself or report on your experiences with innovative teaching formats? Would you like to share your ideas with others? You know an interesting student initiative for the further development of teaching at the University of Jena or a teacher who implements a special teaching concept? Then feel free to contact ale@uni-jena.de!