Sustainability is not only a matter of individual consumer choices, but a societal endeavor. In Jena, there are a number of projects and initiatives at the university and beyond, where you can get involved for structural change, meet like-minded people and also have a lot of fun!
Contact points at university
A waving globe with face and green leaves
Collage: Julian Ukena, Tabea Seeßelberg, via canva.com: sparklestroke, navalnyiAn open ear for your questions
At the university you are not alone with your questions and concerns. There are contact points on various topics related to social and environmental sustainability that will be open to your questions.
Here you can get in touch :
- The Green Office is the central coordination unit for sustainability at the University of Jena.
- The Diversity Office is a counseling center on disadvantage or discrimination experiences at the University of Jena. It is linked to the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which emphasize inclusion and equity. Only a fair and barrier-free university is sustainable.
- As part of their legal mandate, the Equal Opportunity OfficersExternal link advocate for equal rights and equal opportunities for all university members, regardless of biological sex or gender identity. They are advisors for students in case of problems or need of support.
Student groups and initiatives (selection)
Two people are constructing an insect shelter.
Collage: Julian Ukena, Tabea Seeßelberg, via canva.com: Olga Z, Billion PhotosBeing active, making new friends
There are a variety of student groups at the university that work to promote common interests. It's a wonderful way to meet like-minded people and make new friends!
The following initiatives are dedicated to topics related to sustainability.
- The UmweltreferatExternal link (available in German only) is a group of students who work for more ecological and social sustainability at the University of Jena by organizing various events and projects. The Umweltreferat is part of the Student's Council (StuRa) of the university.
- The Students+ for Future JenaExternal link (available im German only) are part of the global For Future movement. They acknowledge the climate crisis as an existential and massively inequitable threat to societies worldwide. The initiative strives for a future worth living for all and is committed to global climate justice.
- The Greenpeace University GroupExternal link (available in German only) fights independently, impartially, internationally, and non-violently for the climate, ecology, animal welfare, international relations and peace – globally as well as here in Jena.
- In the international student initiative Hiking JenaExternal link, the participants are as diverse as the activities. Here, intercultural encounters, the discovery of nature and new sports as well as artistic activities are promoted.
- Jena-VeganExternal link has the aim of educating people about the negative aspects of livestock farming, dismantling culturally embedded conditions of meat consumption, and supporting people to live more plant-based.
Projects and initiatives in Jena (selection)
A colourful rainbow above the city of Jena
Collage: Julian Ukena, Tabea Seeßelberg, via canva.com: PaigeShape the change in your city
In Jena, there are numerous opportunities for you to get involved in diverse projects beyond university and meet like-mided people.
Below you will find a number of ways to get active for a sustainable city development:
- The ADFC Jena-SaletalExternal link (available in German only) is committed to the change in mobility by making cycling more attractive, safer and a part of everyday life. To achieve this, the ADFC Jena-Saale Valley is actively involved in politics, cooperates with the local administration, organizes bicycle demonstrations, public campaigns, bicycle tours and information points. The association also runs a self-help workshop and a bicycle school and is present wherever mobility is an issue in Jena and the region.
- Naturfreundejugend JenaExternal link (available in German only): The children's and youth association organizes various projects and activities throughout the year, spends leisure time together and is politically committed to ecological and social sustainability.
- Radentscheid JenaExternal link is an initiative that has collected over 9,000 signatures for a citizen's petition in 2021 for better and safer cycling in Jena and is now supporting the implementation of the petition.
- Der Runde Tisch Klima und Umwelt JenaExternal link (Round Table Climate and Environment Jena, available in German only) is an open gathering of people who want to improve this city in terms of environmental protection and climate justice.
- The MagdelstubeExternal link (available in German only) is a non-commercial venue in the Südviertel. The self-organized community center aims to strengthen neighborhood solidarity.
- Once a month at varying locations, you can fix your broken electrical appliances, bicycles and clothes together with dedicated volunteers at the Repair Café JenaExternal link (available in German only).
- Foodsharing JenaExternal link is part of a Germany-wide initiative committed to saving and appreciating food that is still edible and would otherwise be thrown away. Foodsharing Jena prevents wood waste by arranging public food distributions, regular pick-ups from supermarkets, canteens and restaurants, organizing workshops and many other activities.
- Three associations and many active people are developing the old site of the KulturschlachthofExternal link (Website available in German only) together to create a new place for theatre, sustainability and socio-culture in Jena.