The image shows the lettering Spotlight Diversity in colorful letters in a white cloud, above are shown camera and cell phone

Photography Competition ‘Spotlight Diversity’

Where do you discover diversity in everyday study and work?
The image shows the lettering Spotlight Diversity in colorful letters in a white cloud, above are shown camera and cell phone
Graphic: Andreas Balg

Photography Competition ‘Spotlight Diversity’

The University of Jena is as diverse and mulit-faceted as its many students, employees, faculties, degree programmes, and projects. Where does this diversity show up? Where do you personally discover and experience diversity in everyday study and work? 

You are invited to capture your very personal view on diversity at our University in one single photograph. An exhibition/event at the University of Jena with (a selection of) the submitted photographs is planned. A jury will select the best three for an award.

1st price: 200 Euro
2nd price: 100 Euro
3rd price: 50 Euro

Please submit your photo(s) here: Registration Photography Competition

The closing date is 31 March 2024. 

The competition is open to all members of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, the university hospital Jena and the Thuringian University and State Library. You can find the terms and conditions herepdf, 75 kb · de and Data protection information herepdf, 69 kb · de.

We look forward to seeing your photographs!


The Organization Team
Office of the Vice-President for Early Career Researchers and Diversity Management
Fürstengraben 1, 07743 Jena
Phone: 03641 9401340 | 03641 9401341 | 03641 9401342
WeblinkExternal link

Our thanks go to the 'Friends and Patrons' of the University of Jena for sponsoring the prizes.