
General information about thoska


thoska is a multifunctional chip card which can be used by various user groups of Thuringian higher education institutions, libraries, and of the student organization services Studierendenwerk Thüringen. This contactless card has many features: it functions as an electronic wallet for paying your meals in canteens, as a copy and printing card, or as an electronic key for accessing rooms and lockers.

Here you can find information about personalized thoska card (for students, staff, associates, library users) of the University.

  • Features of thoska card

    A personalized thoska card (for students, staff, associates, library users) of the University has these features:

    • Library card in all libraries related to the institutions of higher education in Thuringia after registration, e.g. Thuringian State and University Library, ThULBExternal link,
    • Copying and printing services at self-service facilities,
    • Electronic wallet for paying in canteens and cafeterias,
    • Access to buildings, rooms, and lockers.
  • Library card

    After you have registered in one of the libraries of the Thuringian higher education institutions, you can use your thoska card to:

    • order or borrow media
    • extend the borrowing period online.
    • pay any pending library fees.
  • Copying and printing services

    At the University of Jena, you can also copy, print, and scan your documents using libraries public self-service devices. When using these services, you need to add cash to your account in advance. For more information, please refer to the electronic wallet section.

    Some of the user groups can also use copying and printing services charging their official cost centres instead of paying with their credit. For more information on features available to specific users, please click on the user groups at the bottom of this web page.

    For more information please see this link.

  • Cashless payments

    To use your thoska card for cashless payments, you must add credit to it using your debit card or cash at the self-service terminals. They are located in cafeterias and canteens of the student service organization (Studierendenwerk Thüringen), or in several libraries and universities in Thuringia.

    The credit on your thoska card is similar to the content of an actual wallet. If you lose your thoska card, you also lose the credit added to it

    Please see the terms of use under this linkExternal link.

  • Electronic access control

    At the University and at other participating institutions in Thuringia, selected facilities are protected by an electronic access control. This includes teaching facilities, e.g. seminar rooms, offices, lockers as well as halls of residences the Thuringian student services organization.

    Depending on your user group, your personal thoska card may be activated to enable you the access to specific facilities. All activations are managed by access control administrators who are assigned to administrative units or facilities of the University.

  • Card not working properly

    In case your thoska card is not working properly, the thoska Office will help you. Before contacting the thoska Office, you might try eliminate these possible challenges:

    • Your thoska card is no longer valid:
      Please check the strip on the front side of your card for the expiry date. If the validity period is expired, please try validating your card at one of you can update the validity of your thoska at one of the self-service terminals or in the thoska Office.
    • Your thoska card is damaged:
      If other users can use the self-service terminal, but does not accept your thoska card, your card might be damaged. Please contact the thoska Office to assist you.
    • The self-service device does not operate:
      If, for example, a copier you want to use does not operate, and other users can use it neither, you might try using another.
    • Your thoska card is not working while using a copier and an error message is displayed at the card terminal:
      Probably, you must have cancelled one of the previous payments at the copier or other self-service device, or in one of the canteens. INFOtake service of the Thuringian student services organization at Ernst-Abbe-Platz, Jena, will be happy to assist you.