Weltkugel auf Geldscheinen

Support for research stays abroad

How do I finance a research stay abroad?
Weltkugel auf Geldscheinen
Image: istockphoto

Jena University supports you if you wish to arrange a stay abroad during the time of your doctorate. In the context of international research you acquire important scientific and cultural additional qualifications no matter whether you go abroad for a research activity, the participation at a conference or a workshop abroad.

Jena University encourages you to build important scientific and cultural skills within an international research context, which will increase your competitiveness in the later career choice as it may increase your occupational opportunities within as well as beyond academia.

While doing a doctorate at Jena University, the key contact person for a research stay abroad is your academic supervisor. Together with the supervisor, you can target a host university and decide on funding, supervision abroad as well as when a stay abroad would be useful and how long it should take. 

A stay abroad is an integrative component of many structured programmes and graduate schools at Jena University.


Dr. Alexander Schwarzkopf