Frau mit Pipette

Good scientific practice

Information on statutes, seminars and ombudsmen
Frau mit Pipette
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

In public, "good scientific practice" is often equated with cases of plagiarism when it comes to dissertations. However, the topic covers a substantially wider spectrum of scientific conduct:

  • dealing with data (including checking, recording, ownership and storage),
  • the publishing process and authorship,
  • responsible supervision,
  • academic cooperation,
  • conflicts of interest
  • dealing with conflicts.

Examples of inappropriate academic behaviour include inventing or faking data, violating intellectual property (theft of ideas or plagiarism), and sabotaging the research of others.

  • Statutes for a good scientific practice at Jena University

    The Friedrich Schiller University Jena has adopted statutes for the protection of good scientific practice. These can be found here.

  • Seminars on the topic of „good scientific practice“

    The Graduate Academy regularly offers seminars on 'Good scientific practice'. In this workshop the myriad conflicts brought up in the day-to-day activities of research are discussed with the help of case studies. We recommend that you attend such a seminar, if possible at the start of your doctorate. The current offers can be found hereExternal link.

  • Ombudsmen: Persons of trust at Jena University

    All Jena University researchers are obliged to comply to the guidelines for a good scientific practice. In case of suspicion or accusation of scientific misconduct, please contact one of the responsible persons of trust.