View of the oversized university letters on 3 April 2023 at the beginning of the lecture period of the 2023 summer semester on the campus at Ernst-Abbe-Platz at Friedrich Schiller University Jena in Jena.


Here you can find all information on University Health Management at the University of Jena.
View of the oversized university letters on 3 April 2023 at the beginning of the lecture period of the 2023 summer semester on the campus at Ernst-Abbe-Platz at Friedrich Schiller University Jena in Jena.
Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)

Healthy Uni Jena

At Friedrich Schiller University Jena, the health of all employees and students is very important to us. Occupational Health Management (BGM) is committed to designing health-promoting structures and offers for employees. The BGM is located in the department of personnel development at the University of Jena. For students, the Student Health Management (SGM) has been established since 2020 – with the aim of creating a healthy and successful study time together with the students. The SGM is located in the department "University Sports" and has a project duration until 2025.

The University Health Management (UGM) comprises the overall strategy of BGM and SGMExternal link, the interface coordination and any joint activities. All activities are currently being consolidated into the university-wide health management system and assigned to the Occupational Safety Office under the Executive Board.

Ongoing projects of the University Health Management

  • Mental Health First Aid BILD
    Image: Adobe Stock
    Mental Health First Aid The Mental Health First Aid Team (MHFA) is a first aid team at the University of Jena for mental health problems.
  • Laufbänder in der ThULB
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
    Health promoting infrastructure Walkolutions (standing-walking workstations in the ThULB), STANDYs (sustainable standing desk attachments for ergonomic work), exercise trails, drinking water fountains and much more in the planning!
  • Online-Selbstlernprogramm
    Image: Adobe Stock
    Online self-study programmesde Self-learning tools are offered on the following two topics: Healthy Leadership & Managing Stress
  • Gesundheitsbefragung UGM
    Image: Adobe Stock
    Health survey In order to better adapt the health services offered by the University of Jena to your needs and wishes as students and employees, we conduct regular health surveys.
Occupational Health Management (BGM)
Student Health Management (SGM)
  1. Hoppe, Julia Health Management Officer Stabsstelle Arbeitssicherheit
  2. Sorge, Anja Health Promotion Stabsstelle Arbeitssicherheit

External cooperation partners

  • Arbeitskreis ges. Hochschule
  • Logo AOK Plus
  • Das Logo des Austauschforums "Gesunde Hochschulen Thüringen".