Stack with business cards in the corporate design of the University of Jena

A representative figurehead

Important information about business cards in the corporate design of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena.
Stack with business cards in the corporate design of the University of Jena
Graphic: MockUp von GraphicBurger

Your business card - the first personal contact

With your business card you represent the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. For this reason, the business cards have a clear and uniform structure that follows the rules of the corporate design of the University of Jena. The aim is to achieve a coherent appearance of the university as well as the associated recognition effect.

The following variants of the business card are permitted:

  • One-sided printing in German or English concerning the affiliation to an institution of the university, e.g. faculty, institute and chair or centre.
  • Two-sided printing in German and English concerning the affiliation to an institution of the university, e.g. faculty, institute and chair or centre.
  • Two-sided printing in German or English concerning the affiliation to an institution of the university, e.g. faculty, institute and chair or centre and with the seal on the back.

The printing of the business cards is carried out by the printing centre. It produces business cards exclusively in the university's corporate design for persons bound to the University of Jena by employment contract. (Work and fee contracts are not covered by this.) Additional word, image or word-picture marks as well as other colours cannot be taken into account. For quality assurance reasons, print data will not be passed on to third parties.

A PDF form (print order) is available for easy ordering. Please fill in the form digitally, save it and then send it in an e-mail attachment to Please indicate the relevant accounting unit for printing.


Before printing begins, you will receive a proof of the business card for proof-reading. Please check this PDF file thoroughly. Then send your correction requests and/or print approval to the printing centre. If you have any questions, the team will be happy to help you at any time.


The word and image marks of the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena are legally protected. They may only be used in direct connection with the University of Jena or institutions and members of the university. Further use is prohibited without the explicit permission of the University of Jena.

For further information on the university's word and image marks see

Do you have any questions about the production of business cards?


Office hours:
Montag bis Freitag 7:30 bis 16 Uhr

Collection from the IT Service Centre is possible until 9:30 pm.


Opening hours:
Montag bis Freitag 7:30 bis 21:30 Uhr