Hasttag unijena


Team Communications and Marketing
Hasttag unijena
Image: Christoph Worsch

Our Team

  1. Gräf, Beate, Dr Head of Section Section Marketing and Events
    Foto Dr. Beate Gräf
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  2. Weigel, Susanne Deputy Head of Section/ Event management, Uni-Shop Section Marketing and Events
    staff photo Susanne Weigel
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  3. Till, Julia Johanna Student recruitment and marketing Section Marketing and Events
  4. Bartholmé, Eva Fairs and Events Section Marketing and Events
  5. Töpfer, Cathrin Fairs and Events Section Marketing and Events
    Cathrin Töpfer
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  6. Franke, Liana Graphics and Design Section Marketing and Events
  7. Franke-Opitz, Thomas Graphics and Design, Audiovisual Media Section Marketing and Events
  8. Mrosewski, Nadine Media designer, Dual study course Section Marketing and Events
  9. Ritter, Nadine, Dr Alumni Section Marketing and Events
    staff photo Dr Nadine Ritter
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  10. Uchatsch, Olga Deutschlandstipendium Section Marketing and Events
  11. Rosemann, Beatrix Uni-Shop Section Marketing and Events
    staff photo Beatrix Rosemann
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  12. Töpel, Gudrun Administrative assistance Communications and Marketing
    staff photo Gudrun Töpel
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  13. Bukatz, Susanne Graphics and Design, Audiovisual Media Section Marketing and Events

Our team is supported by:

Christoph Worsch

Philipp Amthor, Fabio Bursy
Infomobil (School visits throughout Germany)

Pia-Sophie Weber