Katja Bär, Chief Communications Officer of the University of Jena, at the Thuringian University and State Library.

Chief Communications Officer (CCO)

Katja Barbara Bär
Katja Bär, Chief Communications Officer of the University of Jena, at the Thuringian University and State Library.
Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)

As Chief Communications Officer (CCO), Katja Barbara Bär combines the strategic steering of the University of Jena with the management of strategic science communication and brand management. With the team of Communications and Marketing, she develops strategies for communication, marketing, fundraising and for the sustainable development of the University of Jena. As a certified foundation advisor (FSU Jena), she advises friends and supporters of the University on their philanthropic commitment to science and education.

Katja Barbara Bär
Chief Communications Officer
Fürstengraben 1
07743 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link



  • Since March 2023 Chief Communications Officer at the University of Jena
  • Since February 2019 Head of Communications and Marketing at the University of Jena
  • 2011–2019 Head of the Communications and Fundraising Department at the University of Mannheim, Deputy Head of the President's Office
  • 2003–2011 Employee in the President's Office at the University of Mannheim, Project Manager University Anniversary, Fundraising, Committee Management, Deputy Media Spokeswoman
  • 2000–2003 Collaboration in the Seminar for Ancient History at the University of Mannheim, doctoral studies in the history of science, freelance editor
  • 2000 Magister Artium in Ancient, Medieval and Modern History, University of Mannheim
  • 1993–1999 Studies in History, English, Latin and Communication Science at the Universities of Mannheim and Heidelberg and Classics in Cambridge (Clare College 1998)

Prizes, honours and awards

  • 2022: Research Spokesperson of the Year 2022 in the category "Research Institutes and Universities"
  • 2021: First place, Central German Fundraising Award for the Corona Emergency Fund of the Society of Friends and Patrons of the University of Jena
  • 2016: First place, German University Fundraising Award for the "outstanding major gift fundraising" of the University of Mannheim
  • 2012: PR Picture of the Year 2012 for the photo "Basketball in the Knights' Hall" in the university magazine FORUM
  • 2004–2011: Several awards within the team of the University of Mannheim for student marketing, brand management and the fundraising project "Renaissance of the Baroque Castle" of the University of Mannheim.
  • 2009: Helene Weber Prize of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
  • 1998: Kurt Hahn Memorial Scholarship of the Federal President and DAAD Scholarship for Cambridge
  • Alumna: German Academic Scholarship Foundation, DAAD, Kurt Hahn Trust, BASF Study Initiative

Voluntary commitment

  • Chair of the Bundesverband Hochschulkommunikation (German Association of University Communications)
  • Member of the Executive Board of Friends and Patrons of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena
  • Member of the Advisory Board of Wissenschaftskommunikation.de
  • Member of the Advisory Board of the WissKomm-Kolleg of the Alfred Toepfer Foundation
  • Member of the Advisory Board of Metavorhaben "Innovative Frauen im Fokus" (Meta project "Focus on innovative women")
  • Member of the jury for the Science Year University Competition
  • Member of the Executive Board of the Stiftung Denkzeichen