Prospective students in the orientation seminar

Advisory and other services

Support relating to your studies
Prospective students in the orientation seminar
Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)

For most people, studying is not only a period of learning, but also an important stage of life, a decision about their future, a step in their career, a setting of the course, a period of self-discovery, and an opportunity to identify their interests. Unsurprisingly, it is easy to lose track of options which universities can offer. To make your life easier when it comes to making such important decisions, in times of crisis, or in your everyday student life, we offer you various supporting services. On the following pages, you will find information relating to studying, continuing your studies in master’s programmes, regarding spending a semester abroad, examinations, and many other topics.


Some institutions of the University of Jena are already offering their advisory services via the central Service Desk PortalExternal link. Students, employees and external persons can directly submit their requests via the Portal in order to clarify questions or concerns or to receive assistance with certain topics.

We appreciate your feedback!

Is there anything about the University of Jena, your studies, or about the communication with the administrative units of the University that you are particularly pleased or annoyed about? Is there anything we should know or improve? What should we worry about?

As a student, you can help shape the University of Jena in various ways. One of them is to give us your feedback so that we can improve your studies and the work of the University. You are welcome to contact us here.