Service for Researchers

The University of Jena supports its researchers in the application and implementation of research projects

The University of Jena supports its researchers in the application and implementation of research projects as well as in the initiation and implementation of research and cooperation projects with partners from science and industry along the entire innovation process.

Our services

  • Beratung
    Image: Free-Photos auf Pixabay
    Third-party funding portal and roadmap You would like to apply for a third-party funded project? We advice you, from the application to the implementation of your project.
  • Five hands crossed over a meeting table.
    Image: Bild von rawpixel auf Pixabay
    Research Funding Advice and support in acquiring third-party funding for your research project
  • Start up- and Innovation day
    Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)
    Transfer We offer you support, from the idea to the successful market launch.
  • Flyer Research Data Management
    Image: Roman Gerlach
    Research Data Management Please find advice here, from data management plans to quality assurance for your research data.
  • Aspects of Sex and Gender
    Image: AI-generated
    Project Gender in Focus The BMBF-funded project networks, promotes and supports gender and gender-sensitive research.