Bust of Friedrich Schiller in fromt of yellow flowers

New release of the Teaching Newsletter is online

The first edition of the Teaching Newsletter 2023 was published on 28.02.2023
Bust of Friedrich Schiller in fromt of yellow flowers
Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  • Other about teaching


Teaching is one of the core tasks of Friedrich Schiller University Jena. Teaching is highlighted as an important area of strategic university development because of the adoption of the "Strategy 2025 - Teaching". And indeed, there is a lot going on in teaching at the Friedrich Schiller University about which there is news to report and learn:

Prof. Jutta Hübner was asked in the last edition how to successfully teach students skills in science communication as part of the interdisciplinary competences in the degree programme. In the new edition, the interview under Teaching INQUIRED de is dedicated to another interdisciplinary competence: dealing with data. Dr. Volker Schwartze and Dr. Martin Kerntopf explain in the interview why dealing with data has become a key competence for graduates across all subjects and how teachers can promote this competence in students.

The E-Learning Day 2023 is dedicated to the topic "Learning and examination rooms in presence and digital" and will take place on 5 June. This year, the day will be supplemented by a practical week, in which the diverse offers of the University of Jena will be shown, which teachers and students can use to carry out their teaching digitally or to support your studies digitally. Information on this can be found at Teaching DIGITAL de.

You can find more interesting news in the current issue of the Teaching newsletter at:    https://www.uni-jena.de/newsletterlehre01-23 de

If you do not want to miss any future issue of the Teaching Newsletter, you can register hereExternal link to       receive a brief notification as soon as a new newsletter is published.


Would you like to present a teaching concept yourself or report on your experiences with innovative teaching formats? Would you like to share your ideas with others? You know an interesting student initiative for the further development of teaching at the University of Jena or a teacher who implements a special teaching concept? Then feel free to contact ale@uni-jena.de!